US Presidential Election 2020

Bush, Cheney, Blair et al. should have been tried for war crimes.

what country will Bomber Biden target first do you think?

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Bomber Harris

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But you said they were niche, contrarian, anti woke, anti liberal etc?

Hereā€™s the nazi article btw, not that itā€™ll do you much good

I think the bigger danger with the media is that governments can easily co-opt them to disseminate whatever narrative they want to pedal. Trump would have loved that but couldnā€™t as most of them were aligned against him since he got the nomination in 2016. Look at RTE and coverage of Covid, they are basically just shills for the government. The media should be a watchdog, not an arm of the government.


In fairness I donā€™t think Trump can take much credit for wiping out ISIS, if indeed they have been wiped out rather than mutated.

Have a look at the map of the territory ISIS controlled in early 2016 and what they control now and have a another think about it.

So can I take it that you agree that Trump can claim very little credit for wiping out ISIS - if wiped out they are?

President Obama defeated Isis

He turned his back on the Pacific and allowed Chy-na take over.

The campaign against ISIS was started under Obama and escalated under Trump. In terms of credit I would give the lions share to the US military and their allies.

Fixed that for you.

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Obama was never big into impearlism

Tell that to the population of Libya.

Hey population of Lybia, Obama was never big into impearilsm


Would you? You mustnā€™t follow Middle Eastern affairs. Iā€™d credit Russia mainly with ISis defeat then Iran.

Maybe he was into imperialism instead

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Well you would if you use RT as your source.

Iā€™m sure you would and Iā€™m sure youā€™d come to the same conclusion if you used any number of non US non Trumpist news media as your source as well.

As opposed to the lamestream media?