US Presidential Election 2020

Fox said Trump defeated Isis

Ditto OANN

Heres one for you if you can spare some time away from watching Tucker

Well done on turning up the first article that shows up on a google search. Sorry first “scholarly” article.

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Why don’t you present your evidence that Russia contributed more.

Good idea.

This is superb. Just how skint is loser Trump?


Now that Trump is gone, Russia are the good guys again.
It’s fascinating to watch.

Only a curmudgeon would deny their role in Syria but nobody is suggesting that they did it out of altruism


Which one of the TFK Trumpet blowers is he?
In other news

CNN getting worried that there may never be a President Biden.

Surprised the dems thought they could get away with this.

He’s lying. He’s clearly sitting, not standing. Satan :joy:

The evidence is mounting up alright

Indeed mo chara, I wasnt aware of the stutter, I heard sleepy Joe and got 2+2=5.
however, fuck Biden, fuck Trump and fuck US politics.
Not much will change except the mad tweeting and potentially more aggressive foreign policy.

Typing in now gives a link to Trumps Wikipedia page, he wont like that

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Joe Biden and his V.P are a Thundering disgrace.

Mick Wallace can go fuck

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Alaska has been called for President Trump. Won’t be long now you’d feel before the rest are called for him and he wraps it up.

Looks like fox news have deserted him although I haven’t seen Tucker or Hannity give their views yet