US Presidential Election 2020


Joe Biden.

His supporters think he should be President despite some blatant voter fraud.

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But but but I thought Biden didn’t have any supporters and the handful of voters that did vote for him were only voting against Trump.
Wake up sheeples

imagine how bored you’d have to be to take the time and energy to set up an account like this.


The party mood of the Biden supporters seems to have taken a dark turn.

Reality is starting to set in. Voter Fraud is illegal guys.


And set it up 3 years ago to boot :smile:

And lads claim this place aint as nuts as others. Its nuttier than squirrel shit.


Hard to call re jail but he will be without the protections of the office and wont have the dept. of Justice at his disposal.

here’s a handy little article from the Lamestream media which shows all the pending suits:

Ya gotta love the grift

Is Reuters fake news?

Here ye go lads, make your voices herd

It’s going to be the biggest, biggest March of all time. Of that we can be certain. Certainly.

As far as the Palestinians are concerned it matters little who is US President. Biden & Harris might not be as aggressively anti Palestinian as Trump via Kushner but I doubt they’ll do much to row back Netanyahu’s excesses.

Stumbled across this article last night. It’s from 2005 re the 2004 Bush v Kerry election and written by Christopher Hitchens. I wonder are the same machines used?

Breaking News: A Pennsylvania court has rules that the Secretary of state lacked the authority to change the voting deadline 2 days before Election Day

The secretary of state is Kathy Boockvar. She has published some interesting anti-Trump comments in the past.

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I’m essentially journeying tomorrow night (I’m journeying essentially as well) and I’m thinking now I may stop for a 5oz buuurga on the way.

And there you have it folks. Advertising works.

President Trump is enjoying a few rounds of golf and letting the courts go about their business of ruling on the election irregularities.

Well played Mr President.

Lets hope he doesn’t choke on the golf course like he did in the election

Is it about 73 million legal votes he has now?

A huuuge mandate.

tenor (18)

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