US Presidential Election 2020

Lawn and order.

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Surely the republican party can’t go along with that. There is no telling where it will end. It could destroy the country.

Is there anything to see here? Seems to be a low level official batting away some run of the mill questions?

Morto for @POTUS (and associated whackjobs)

Sure she is…

Madam Vice President :clap: :clap:

Its a very significant step. There is a lot of discussion on how 137,000 votes in Wisconsin went for Biden on Wednesday morning at 5am EST, and 0 votes for Trump at the same time. Also, Trump observers must be allowed to observe the count.

There have been a number of strange systems ‘glitches’ during the counting of the votes which have occurred nationally. Already 5 house of representatives seats have been awarded to republicans, having previously been awarded to democrats.

These are only the glitches which have been identified. It was observed that heavy Red county’s had voted for Biden and Democrats down the ticket. These were highlighted, manual counts took place in these county’s and the votes were identified to have been incorrectly awarded to democrats.

Republicans had their ass handed to them on ballot harvesting mate. It’s obvious from your first point, the reason for the jump is ballots were dropped off and all of them were for Biden, they only collected Biden votes. I’d say you could get turnout for your side up 20% if you were good at it. All those voters that couldn’t be arsed posting a ballot or dropping it off at a drop point.

The answer to your second paragraph question is some Independents who lean Republican voted Republican all down their ballot but voted for Biden. That explains House members getting in but trump losing. Fine margins.


‘Democrat’ scum doing everything they can to accumulate illegal ballots. I fear it’s too late for any recourse.

Don’t know buddy. I was talking to one of my mates in the states last night. He said biden got five votes from his wife’s house- his wife, himself, two underage (in the voting sense) kids and the dog.
The dog died in 2018.

Turns out FOX News made the right call all along Congratulations Sleepy Joe :clap: :clap:


oops wrong thread

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I see that aoc buck eejit is compiling a list

Trump concession speech at 9pm @POTUS


Arizona and Georgia both declared for President O Biden today. Trump will want to do the homorable thing

306 - 232. Bit of a rout.

The map is now complete

J’O Biden is 5/8 Irish. He could be the greatest out half and game manager we have ever fielded on the international stage. A mix of the best of Jack Kyle running with the ball and Ollie Campbell kicking it perfectly when the occasion demands