US Presidential Election 2020

If this wasnā€™t Trump Biden would be 20/1

The bigger the turnout the better for Biden. There are four groups to consider, the first is the easiest, Democrats will vote for Biden. Trumpā€™s base which is about 60% of Republicans will vote for Trump, itā€™s the other two groups that will make the difference. Of the rest of the Republican voters there would be some who are fed up of Trump and/or would regard Biden as a moderate as no threat, so the more of this group that votes the worse for Trump as some will vote for Biden. The fourth group is Independents and Republicans who hate Trump, these will mostly vote for Biden to get rid of Trump.

It looks like a very strong turnout allied to the 50% who have already mailed in/dropped off their ballots which translates to a Biden victory.

Vote counting going smoothly in PA. Very few challenges to votes. Itā€™s over.

Unity over Division

350 electoral college votes for Biden seems to be the call.

Biden 1.43
Trump 3.25

James Comeyā€¦the irony! Hilldog must be seethingšŸ¤£

The light sliotar is ruining hurling


Iā€™m on sleepy Joe to win the popular vote by 10%, trumpā€™s gonna lose California anyway @Tierneevin1979 so help a brother out

Come on trump , just do your magic one more time .

I doubt he can hear you

Il tweet him then

Iā€™ve done my bit

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Where is my last post gone ???

Doesnā€™t matter what he wins the popular vote by, its the swing states that matter.

I donā€™t give a fuck about swing states mate Iā€™ve a small financial interest in the popular vote


Fair enough

Lads getting testy early doors. Would the Michael Healy-Rae as director of elections have helped his pal Donal?



Fleeing for the hills