US Presidential Election 2020

I think you mean your ignorance

Given that you are so self-evidently a fool

You must be overjoyed that Boris Johnson is going to be PM, mate


You’ve made that point a few times and I don’t recall praising BoJo much, certainly not since his stay in the Foreign Office.

But I guess this is a way to move into some narrative tying everything to Trump?

It’s just a little demonstration to show up your complete hypocrisy, mate

@Sidney is fighting fascists and fascism at every “fucking” turn. His basement is the new war room against fascism. I guess him and Gemma do have a lot in common after all.

They are literally the same person, or at least taking the same mind altering medication.

You seem to think “fighting fascists” is a bad thing


That would quite reasonably lead one to think you have a soft spot for fascism

Is this the case, mate?

That certainly isn’t the first conspiracy theory you’ve spouted on this forum, it no doubt won’t be the last

Interestingly, you have almost identical views to Gemma O’Doherty on a range of subjects

You would admit this, yes?

I don’t think you are the same person, by the way

That would be just hysterical

I have nothing in common with fruitcakes like Gemma and yourself. You both inhabit the same paranoid schizophrenic private hell. Thankfully you have TFK to engage with and kind posters such as myself who indulge your delusions in an effort to guide you towards sanity.

Almost 0% chance Trump won’t be the candidate.

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Clearly you’re familiar with Gemma O’Doherty and her views, as you’ve referenced her quite frequently recently

All I’m asking is whether you’re willing to admit you have almost identical views to her on a range of subjects

I will add tone as well - your respective tones are very similar too

Again though, I don’t think you are one and the same person as her

What do you mean?

I’ve fully admitted on here that despite supporting the Tories in the past, that they are a basket case currently. Boris Johnson is the tip of the iceberg in that respect.

You never think reasonably, mate

You’ve called Johnson “a clown” and “a complete buffoon” “who blags his way through life”

That’s an assesssment I agree with

All the more interesting that you’re still a Trump supporter as Trump embodies all Johnson’s worst characteristics and then some

You have a bad case of cognitive dissonance

Woah, that’s me told

You should put in your CV for new White House Press Secretary with debating skills like that

You’d probably get the job, actually - being a vacuous moron with an endless capacity to spout bullshit is a core requirement

Though perhaps @anon7035031’s ability to blather shameless bullshit is just that bit more endless

No shame in being beaten by the best at it, though

You literally mention her in every other post :joy:

I have nothing in common with her, other than being Irish.

I have referenced her frequently, always in negative tones

Quite obviously

But I’m not denying that I’m familiar with her views like you now are

I’m very familiar with them

They are utterly abhorrent and unashamedly fascist, racist, anti-Semitic and whatever you’re having yourself

And obviously I’m also familiar with your views, which are also abhorrent

That’s why I’m very well placed to state correctly that you have extremely similar views to her on a range of subjects

Do you admit to having similar views to her?

Trump and Johnson, like most people, have some similar characteristics. Like being unique communicators, in particular towards the working class/ordinary folks, something that is surprising given their backgrounds.

That is really where it ends though on their leadership platforms. I know there’s a constant meme of going back and forth between “Trump’s didn’t do anything at all, the economy being great is nothing to do with him” and “Trump’s policies are literally HITLER!”, but lets be real here.

Trump actually stood on a platform of policies, like them or not. People are entitled to change their opinion on things, but Boris literally wrote two articles on Remain or Leave the EU. After he decided which way would likely get him to the leadership best, he decided to go for a “cake and eat it” argument. He eviscerated Theresa May’s Brexit deal, then voted in favour of it. He sometimes veers towards Hard Brexit. In short, he will say absolutely anything to appeal to the shires and believes in very very little.

Trump had policies and said things that the Republican establishment hated. He went down a route to make himself unlikable to nearly 50% of the population. I will freely admit that Trump probably never thought he would get in, and that ego was the driving force. But he did. He had policies and he has implemented many of them. Boris is driven by ego, but that is to be Prime Minister, not a reality star. He seemingly believes in nothing at all and has few policies but “Brexit”.

Another fascist outed! Schweet

Trump is a racist, anti-immigrant, anti-EU, pro-corporate establishment, pro-screwing the working class, pro-science denial and pro-truth denial

Yet paradoxically he also believes in very little except his own power, money and making sure he’s immune from prosecution by any means necessary

He is a total intellectual void, and a warmonger

Johnson is most of the same things and they are similar in their shameless, clown-like personalities, which most fascists deliberately cultivate

Trump will say absolutely anything to appeal to bigots

Johnson is almost as bad in that regard

Johnson is terrible, of that there is no doubt, and will likely be the worst British PM of all time, but by any measurement, Trump is worse

To be against Johnson but pro-Trump is simply idiotic, there is no way one can get around that and be taken in any way seriously - I’d nearly have more respect for those who just admit they support both - that view is at least coherent in its awfulness