USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

They won’t directly attack em. They’ll pay a few mercenaries to go on the rampage

They’ve seized a ship owned by an Israeli billionaire. IRGC soliders boarded it by helicopter and took control.

Hopefully they find incriminating evidence against Israel and the US just laying around on the ship

Is it time for the Ayatollah avatars?

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Seems to be taken as a given that Iran will attack Northern Israel tonight.

Do you think they’ll do much damage?

Making Honda 50 noises & with flashing lights they’re really inconspicuous

Drones are the future of terrorism. It’s amazing they haven’t been used in a major terrorist attack yet.

Very little. They’ve ages to track them and prepare systems to take them down.

One train of thought is that cruise missiles will be launched later and arrive at the same time as the drones.

And every last one will be shot down.

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I see you’re only allowed a gathering of up to a 1000 people in Israel now.

It’s like a level 3 lock down during Covid here.

Another day of people excusing everything Iran does and blaming it on the U.S. Where does this paternalistic nonsense come from?

Cost of drone Vs cost of shooting down drone?

Eventual cost of damage caused to your own country by launching that drone v actual damage done by the drone

I think you may be confusing the Iranian leadership with lads who give a fvuk about that.