USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

What are you shitting about?


They had to be seen to do something after the Israelis blew up their embassy. They might be happy enough for them to be shot down and not cause much damage to be able to claim a response

Will the Israelis go berserk now?

The zionist regime (not the jewish population) are a real threat to humanity. They are a law onto themselves.

The world order doesnt apply to them it seems. They can indiscriminately bomb civilians in Gaza, Lebanan and Syria without being pulled on it. They are always the victim etc.

The democrats led by Biden arming them are equally culpable and sinister. Dangerous times.

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Will this affect the cost of energy?

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The EU then are mute. Stone useless.

Only good for virtue signalling and optics.

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What do you think they’ve been for the last six months?

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I mean at Iran

As @Julio_Geordio it’s probably/hopefully just a face saving attack from Iran and no actual damage will be caused.

Israel will give a bit of bluster back and then the US will tell them not to directly attack Iran.

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Israelis are horrible bastards… I’ve met a fair whack of them on my travels and the only sound ones were the ones who have a non Jewish parent in the mix…that would be my take on the cunts… You’d meet some whack of them in Asia, South America and Oz travelling after their army time. One bastard put a knife to my throat in Thailand because he thought i was talking to him :person_shrugging:t2:


Independence Day vibes

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I havent met too many of them but I don’t blame your average jew over there at all. its their political class who are demented with this zionist shite. They are the problem. A very big problem.

An extended war is inevitable I think. Nethanyahu politically is not going to see sense and pull back.

Nethanyahu’s successor will probably be worse then too.

They are carrying out a genocide of palestinians in Gaza in full view of the world and all the west can do is give them more weapons. Its disgusting and depressing.

Same, met loads and every last one of them absolutely horrible bastards. All after doing their time in the army and then off travelling. Chip on their shoulders. Every other backpacker hated them also

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I met a few sound ones. One lad whose father was from Dublin was one of the soundest cunts i ever met. I met a wan who had a french mother and she was lovely… But as a gang they are loud, aggressive and pig ignorant… the chosen people they call themselves

Enjoy tomorrow lads.

Imagine being indoctrinated all your life and then into that fucked up army age 18 and packed off off to harass Palestinians at best or more likely murder them for two or three years and then be let of travelling in a horde of your compatriots.


It was the tans that played a big part in that mess as well of course initially via the Balfour declaration.

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These have been launched