USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

I have the opposite feeling. A damp squib.


A significant reduction in the global population via a crazy war would be ideal for the climate change zero carbon, zero human, zealots at least.

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Iran has the right to defend itself.Israel were never going to get away with blowing up that building in Damascus which killed high ranking Iran generals…Israel would have been expecting a response…the Americans will continue to back Israel to the bitter end.
i cant see the americans continuing to fund Ukraine if Israel are going to war as well.they cant fund the two.

Ukraine have been blackguarded terribly. Boris Johnson has an awful lot to answer for. They’re in a war they can never win against Russia. Their people are being slaughtered and will continue to be until a deal can be done.

Zelenskys days are numbered at this stage surely, his shtick isn’t going to wash for much longer.

The country will be torn up ultimately anyway and the Ukrainians will be further fleeced when that happens.




That would mean we’d have to share, and pay a fair price for oil…which would mean the brits wouldn’t have an nhs, the yanks wouldn’t have cheap oil and the arabs wouldn’t find some ancient religious fissures to be the source of blood lust, hatred and resentment.


Course they can win it. It would have been over long ago if the US treated Ukraine the way it treats Israel, which it should, because it’s in all our interests.

Biden is piss weak but Trump and the Republican party are open agents of Russian fascism and world chaos.

That’s the problem. Failure to defeat Russia will result in disaster for Europe and increase the flows of refugees massively.

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Ah here. When the neocons commissioned a plan to destabilise russia by militarising Ukraine, they hardly took the welfare of Ukraine into account. The usa is surprised that Russia is outgunning them militarily and financially, but apart from that the usa is actually winning.

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Ukraine can’t win it mate. They don’t have the numbers. Russia has a far bigger population with a very sophisticated industrial military complex that is producing weapons at a far greater scale than Nato are.

Ukraine havent made any gains in over 12 months. All they’re doing at this stage is prolonging the inevitable which is a peace deal and letting more of their people die needlessly.

The Soviets were routed in Afghanistan, mate. Afghanistan was a country of 10 million people. How do you think that happened?

There is no peace deal with Nazis. Wasn’t with Germany, cannot be with Russia, cannot be with several pro-Nazi posters on this forum.

This fella isn’t very smart but has a planet sized ego which will land him in trouble.

Peace will happen eventually. All conflicts do come to an end.

I can understand your perspective on it but logistically a Ukraine victory is just never going to happen unless the US and co decide to put boots on the ground. Surely we want to avoid that at all costs.

That would be a nuclear war that could finish the whole thing.

The US should bomb the shit out of the Russians. Failing that they need to give the Ukrainians the tools to do the job. This is not a proxy war. This is a war for freedom in Europe, just like World War II was.

Peace happened after World War II. Had it been up to you or the pro-Russia genocidal freaks on this forum, many more of the population of Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, the Baltic countries and elsewhere would have been exterminated because the Soviet Union would have been forced to capitulate on the basis that they had no hope of winning.

Bombing the shit out of the Russians would be absolute insanity. It genuinely would probably result in the whole world being wiped out via a full scale nuclear war.

There has to be a better alternative than that.


It would in me hoop, the idea of the world ending through Russian nuclear weapons is the fantasy of people who support Russian imperialism.

If it wasnt a live threat, the west would have already engaged directly mate. They seem happy just to fund it and play the proxy war game knowing its open ended and has no chance of success. All the while being profitable of course for some.

Hitler the cunt had no nukes thankfully. Thats a big difference.