USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

My bet is we’ll wake up tomorrow morning to something damp squib-ish.

The west has been prepared to play with fire in a much more dangerous situations before and is currently doing so again.

Putin does what he is let do. Force is all Putin understands. The less force used against him, the more danger.

Afghanistan is a mountainous region with incalculable miles of cave structures ideally suited to guerilla warfare they also didn’t have the Russians right next to them which made logistics for the Soviets a nightmare, the two conflicts aren’t comparable outside the basic fighting spirit of the invaded nation.


I agree with this. The Iranians are being played like fiddles by the Israelis here and they are not going to gain anything from any of it.

Always the victims. Its ideal for Nethanyahu and co. Can deflect a bit from their ongoing genocide in Gaza.

I’m surprised Iran actually engaged with them directly.

I reckon the democrats invented Benjamin Netanyahu to make Jo biden look good

If they did, it hasn’t worked.

And to think there was fellas on here thinking Ireland should join Nato after Russia invaded Ukraine. If that was true then Ireland would be backing Isreal militarily.

Tyats tye issue with ideology. Youll contradict yourself so many times it doesnt matter whats right or wrong. Neutrality is key


Who? I don’t think anyone suggested Ireland join NATO. Israel isn’t in NATO.

Every us congressperson must have tweeted about standing with Israel in sync last night.

I personally would feel nothing if Israel was nuked and wiped out.

The Germans seem to have an awful habit of coming down on the wrong side of history.

They have some neck to be lecturing us at E.U meetings,

We made our bed, we may lay in it. Very few courageous men left in Ireland. The narrative is all that matters anymore to these people.

Good shout mate

Ah, the plastic paddy following me around like a stray dog

I met a Polish fella yday he was doing a bit of work for my father. He told me he is in Ireland 2 years and had been in army in Poland before that…early 40s…got a letter to his home in Poland during the week giving notice that he could be (re) conscripted at 48 hours notice … Maybe bullshit but he seemed happy enough about it… Was moving back to Poland anyway

The Poles would love a go at killing Russians.

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Are the poles not blocking the border with Ukraine?
I asked @balbec about it, but he seemed a bit sheepish…
