USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

How many kites were flown after the russian invasion? There was a lot of talk at the time

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I think there is mandatory military service in poland. Something like 6 months. A lot of truck drivers get their licence while serving.

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Nato is a distraction. A European army is the immediate threat.

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Who flew the kite? No one has proposed joining NATO. And Israel isn’t in NATO. You’re talking nonsense.

Why would I engage with a looper like you?


I dunno what rock you live under but its this government’s method to feel.out controversial policy, leak it to the media, see the retraction then deny.

It was mentioned at the time of the war and was the news for a week.

Isreal arent in nato, the US will get involved for isreal, russia will get involved for iran and attack the US involvement dragging NATO in. If you want ill get my cat to explain it to you because even that can see this.

The geopolitic manoeuvres that are going on must be incredible.

Does Israel hit back symbolically or properly and go at Iran nuclear infrastructure?

Does US need to hit Iran hard to send a message to China re Taiwan?

Nuclear weapons although leaving us on verge of complete destruction have certainly prevented another world war……so far.

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Israel hit back? They started it with the attack in Damascus

After watching a few episodes of Fallout, we need to think very carefully here. I don’t want to be a ghoul.

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Yeah I know. Will they go again and up the ante.

What was mentioned at the time of the war? There has never been any suggestion from the government of joining NATO, not even consideration of it. You’re making it up.

You think Russia will attack the US on behalf of Iran?

You need to have another talk with your cat.

They might. Take the focus off the genecide being committed in gaza

They did at the time - all the other stans that border Afghanistan now did not exist then - were all part of the Soviet Union.

Angela Lansbury Popcorn GIF

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Iran have come out and said that that’s the end of it as far as they’re concerned. Puts Israel and by extension the U.S into a dilemma

It was a classic ballhop by the Iranians.

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Every senator was screaming for war last night on the tweeter… They’re now holding flapping dicks in the wind, as the man says.

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The Ayatollah has wiped the Israelis eye and cupped their balls to see if they have any. Tremendous


Alright pal, how about this, i wont engage with you and ill have an adult conversation with posters who know that political entities don’t deal in black and white nor openly discuss everything they do. You constantly miss the point on every topic.

Cue you resorting to insults next