USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

How much money did they invest in defence contractors in the last few weeks? Need to put the money they made on selling pharma shares somewhere, inflation is running high

Sure you’re halfway there as a gowl

Well you might learn some manners for a start

OK Gemma

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I just corrected you on basic facts. Making things up is not an adult conversation.

Are you okay chief? :smiley:

You’d imagine those cunts might try & keep their noses out of the trough for a few weeks.

Spot on, except for how beautifully they spake

Its ok, Joe has this

Fucking hell. How are they putting him forward again FFS

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How many corrupt, controllable genocidal maniacs do you think they have to choose from?

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He’s a terrible match up for trump. He’s as old, as likely to make a stupid statement and he’s been in power(ish) for 12 of the last 16 years so he can’t blame anything on the opponent.

He’s not offering anything other than not being trump. Which might be enough. But fucking hell the state of America.

RFK will be the decider who does he draw from more.

Surely be to fuck the democrats could pull someone, anyone, out of the ranks.

There’s only about 5% of the vote up for grabs in the states. Democrats and republicans ain’t changing sides at this stage. But how many people won’t bother their holes turning up given the choices. Can’t see Biden energising his base. He can’t energise himself.

Fucking cruel making him do another 4 years. Man should enjoy a few years of retirement

Man should be facing charges of facilitating genocide. This grandpa joe shite is all fine and well so long as you forget about gaza and Ukraine

You say that seemingly oblivious that you support the genocide of Ukrainians, you utter freak.

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He is the only democrat guaranteed to beat Trump.

Shur how are they going to run him agin trump and him assassinated?

Think he is one of the few democrats that might lose to trump. And trump is a very beatable opponent

So who are the democrats that would beat Trump.