USA vs Iran War (Aka World War 3)

Its actually fuck all to do with trump. He’s just an anti establishment, antiwoke and anti endless war candidate. Americans have been fed a diet of propaganda for years. At home they’re lectured on kindness, while abroad their money is spent on proxy wars, endless wars and genocide. Its an appalling state of affairs, and the fact that trump is clearly a better moral choice is both incredible and lost on the halfwits who lap up cnn. Ultimately, it’ll come down to the fact that half of them are broke and getting broker- trillions in debt, despised by half the planet, and about to plunge trillions more into rebuilding western Ukraine…via Blackrock. That’s before you talk about about playing chicken with china, opening the borders, a fentanyl crisis, homelessness and inflation.
Biden is just emblematic of the ignorance and shallowness of political awareness and discourse. Always a liar, obviously corrupti, clearly a warmonger…but for the last five minutes hes been packaged and sold as a nice old man. So that’s what people blithely go along with. Yet despite his docility, he’s clearly a deeply nasty bit of stuff…but trump, and rachel from countdown…

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I would agree with a lot of that except the idea that trump is somehow better. Trump is the worst possibility for the US.

He’s actually not. The war in ukraine was easily avoided, but for the posturing, cynicism and short-sightedness of biden. Trump has given every indication that he’s as big as a scumbag as biden or rfk on gaza…until the last fortnight or so, when he sort of spoke out against what Israel are doing, as underwhelming as it was surprising.
Trump is probably just ammoral, tinged with whatever pragmatism and ruthlessness it takes to run a business and make billions Biden on the other hand is a member of arguably the worst political classthere’s been since the 1940s, from a foreign policy point of view

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Washington: Israeli missiles have hit a site in Iran, the American ABC News reported on Friday citing a US official.

Iran’s Fars news agency said explosions were heard near the airport at the country’s central Isfahan city, but the reason was unknown.

“The cause of these sounds is still unknown, and investigations continue until the exact details of the incident are determined,” the semi-official Fars news agency said.

Last weekend, Iran launched hundreds of drones and missiles in a retaliatory strike after a suspected Israeli strike on its embassy compound in Syria. Most of the drones and missiles were downed before reaching Israeli territory.

They are like children, both wanting to have the last say. Hopefully that will be the end of the direct attacks now.

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When Iran looks more statesman like than you it’s time to consider the slight possibility that you might be in the wrong. Not that the Israelis will see it like that.

Back channels clearly agreed the strategy here.

“You can hit us with a minor strike which does feck all damage, and we’ll claim it wasn’t even a strike.”

Israel will instead press ahead with massacring Rafah and stealing Gaza to build beachside condominiums from which Jared Kushner and his buddies make out like bandits.

It looks like the President of Iran Ebrahim Raisi is dead. His helicopter seemingly crashed.

Unfortunate coincidence.

Himself and Tipperary hurling died on the same day.

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Will we be around for you to remiss this of Tipp win the Christy Ring?

They still can’t locate the helicopter.

The Foreign Minister was also onboard.

They’ll have to pretend the lads are still alive while they work out how and when to announce they’re dead, a bit like what happened when the actor who played Jock Ewing in Dallas died.

It seems unlikely they’ll be able to do a Bobby Ewing on it.

That’s a convenient enough accident for the Supreme Leader Khamenei. He is well in his 80s and there is a battle for succession. Raisi was one candidate but another is Khamenei’s son.

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It’s game on!

They should arm Ukraine regardless - Putin is full of shit.