Useless cagers and annoying habits

Jesus. I just watched one there to understand what he was complaining about. Cycle lane ends and he swings out in to the road and complains about an Audi nearly hitting him. Like most cyclists, no sense of personal responsibility.

What type of gobshite runs there Garmin on their commute anyway? Another time trial hero.


Dont look at anymore. The only traffic the cunt deserves is the 18 wheeler that will go over his head.

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Absolutely. He’s going up Griffith avenue towards westbound. Could be headed for Beaumont the mater or temple st

Same kind of cunt who goes on strava.

Not all heroes wear capes.

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whoa whoa whoa!

Quota hit for the month.

Good. A white BMW and Audi passed me the other day, hopping off the road on the way to Dublin. I’m guessing by the white cars, they might have been Hutch or Kinahan, or some other white trash nouveau rich type. Or possibly el pikey… I was going to pull out into the fast lane like an auld farmer in a clapped out jetta, but twould have been too dangerous…

What Irish person actually uses this term? :rofl:



the boys are parking the cars there.

Where was that? - I’m sure I saw a scene like that on the way to Limerick on Friday …

The bog cross between Drom and Liscarroll

Is that two new cars, or the same one from last week, plus another?

There was a bad crash there aswell Thursday morning, not involving either of the two cars pictured!

The same one from last week + 1

Why is the first car still in there?


Its not that dangerous a cross. I dont really remember much grief there before?

Stolen I presume!