Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s hard bet as the man says.

Does this mean now you can’t get it or transmit it?

Hows the bill Gates microchip going? Do you have 5g in your arm yet?

All the best your my barometer to edge more confidence of the vaccine into me

Hup out that alway knew the HSE are the greatest of all irish institutions

Can still get it and transmit in the next 21 days.

You’re only vaccinated after the second jab.

But after that you’re good to go? ie you could visit and spend prolonged time chatting face to face with a 75 year old relative guilt free?

He’s probably asleep now with the narcolepsy

If you’re from Tipp you can even ride the relative.

Get the hell out of here with your good news story …

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Auld birds I would shag (once I’ve got the second dose of the vaccine)

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This may be applicable to the farming tread too. Dosing ireland by the IFA

We need to roll out the army and FCA here… all hands to the pump.


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They were saying there tonight that instead of getting 5 doses from a ‘vial’, they can actually get 6.

This must be great news if we’ve 20% extra stock that we didn’t think we had.

My back of a fag packet maths says we should now have 108k doses in the country right now. We’ve used what, 4k?

Sounds like my mother filling up the shampoo bottle with water when it’s nearly empty to get another few ml out of it


There’s a word for that


516 people vaccinated in France.

I’m hearing of loads of people being vaccinated- I wonder are they under playing the numbers.

Would ye shower together often?


Why haven’t you got Lowry onto this?