Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

He’s never been to Tipperary

Tipperary is a state of mind.

The state of his mind is another matter entirely

Mick would solve the refrigeration logistics but the Dublin 4 media wont allow it.


Paddy finds a problem for every solution.

Incredible to watch it sometimes

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That’s worryingly low.

The Free State are supposed to be getting 40k vaccines a week so that’s not even them exhausting all their available stock!!!

But it’s a supply issue, remember.

Its insanity.

Teams from the HSE going round to nursing homes when the nurses in these places are used to administering the Flu Vaccine every year.

Just drop in their box with their doses and let them get on with it.

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40k doses = 20k vaccinations.

So that ties in with his figures.

By my count, the Free State should have received 360k doses minimum which is the equivalent of 180k vaccinated.

He’s saying the could do up to 135k

Aye 9 weeks brings us up to the end of Feb - 360k doses - 180k vaccinations and he’s talking about wait for it up to 135k

That 135k is for both doses though, I’d imagine a substantial amount of people will have one dose got by the end of February and be waiting for the second

You can add 20% to what we’ll have if we get 6 doses per vial as opposed to 5.

Also add in the Moderna and AZ stock that will hopefully be approved soon enough.

Where are you getting 9 weeks?

Yes, up to!!!

And if they exhaust their vaccine supply it would be 180k.

They are looking at a best case scenario of 75% of their stock.

It’s scandalous.

It’s 40k a week.

There’s 80k doses currently on board. There’s 7 more weeks until the end of Feb.

I don’t think that’s correct. Are they going to take a break when they give people the second shot and not bother giving anyone else the first vaccine until March?

We only have 35k doses for this week and there’s only 8 weeks if you take this week as the kick off point.