Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

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I suggested this strategy a few weeks ago and was lambasted over it.


Pints on @BruidheanChaorthainn in dingle fir the under 35 set :beers::beers:

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You’ve been calling everything right the last few weeks. :clap:

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I’d have no issues with this. Also need to remember that most third level students fall in this age category and some of them need to get back on campus for practical work. They also account for a huge percentage of retail and services sectors employees

There will be absolute war if they bring in a vaccination passport scheme before every person in the country has been offered a vaccine.


They only started working on this in January. No way it’s ready yet.

I’d imagine they created a table in excel, copied into word, printed out the word document, put it on a clip board, complete it by hand, then go back to input the data into the original spreadsheet, which is saved on the practices hard drive, the excel might be emailed to HSE HQ then when it will be printed again, and the the data will be typed into another spreadsheet by the HSE staffer. And then this one will be emailed to someone else who will print it off and manually check it off against the data base of people in the various age categories. And then then no follow up action will be taken if someone is missed.

That’s how I imagine it’s working anyway.

Some clever cunt might do a pivot table along the way somewhere but it will mean nothing to most of them and they’ll be fascinated as to what happens when you click on one of the cells in the pivot table.


How have AZ made such a bollocks of it?

When you look at Pfizer for example - they stocked Israel, the US and are delivering in the EU.

AZ on the other hand have only really fulfilled the UK ahead of the EU. 30m odd vaccines administered in the UK is not really going to make a huge difference to current EU figures.

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I think what you mean is this time it’s directly affecting you. Thousands of people are negatively affected by poor government policy and decisions every day of the week outside of this


I see Leo doing a piece to camera re the vaccination centre in Lansdowne Road stadium.

Should that not be Donnelly’s gig or if not Donnelly then Mickey Martin.

I’d say the boys are busy trying to do a deal with Vlad for a few bottles of Sputnik.

Moderna supplies are going to be reduced for the next few weeks apparently.

Can you go below zero? Are they going to start taking them off us or something

You are very wound up this morning.

A shtop, a Microsoft power app sitting on a well resourced sql server would have done it.

But no…

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I’m in great form. Looks like it’ll be another cracker of a day. I hope I can get parking in mungret


Savage playground.

It’s unreal. The local “I went for a walk and too many other people were also out for a walk” crew have made them close the car park nearest the playground the last few weekends in what must be one of the most bizarrely futile and counter productive gestures I’ve ever seen in my life


I’m starting to think that a lot of the measures taken over the last year or so are arbitrary at best and bizarre at worst.