Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

They will struggle to hit 80k this week.

Gardai in Dublin in the last few weekends have started hunting people from the canal and grand canal Square. Sat with a friend drinking a coffee outside at 4pm on a sunny Saturday afternoon and hunted by the guards. People won’t believe us in years to come when they hear this. You’d want to have something very wrong with you if you agree with these restrictions.


Monday 5944
Tuesday 12884
Wednesday 13358
Thursday 18709

Total 50895

No it has to be manual. You are only as strong as the weakest Bridie on the chain. Somewhere along the line you’ll encounter someone who can only type numbers into a screen so you have to design the entire process around them.

No, I meant what I posted. I’m not disputing government policy has always affected people, I wasn’t referring to that. My post was in the context of the anti-fact era. There are now Irish government representatives literally saying in the Dáil, on TV interviews and in set pieces on their own Twitter feeds that the vaccination rollout programme is going well.

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The new, massively reduced target could well be hit if they work today

Did I read somewhere our target was off an eight day week this week?

Jesus egg in the face for egghead

Once you give powers to somebody they’ll use them.

There’s evidence from lots of studies that, while not impossible, transmission of Covid outdoors is extremely rare.


On the positive note, on a completely me fein pov my 2 grandparents got their first dose Friday. Both were in great form when I called in. They are getting the 2nd dose on the 2nd of April. After that I wont be as worried for the goverment making a balls of it

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My folks got it on Friday. Second shot in a month. They’re delighted in fairness to them.


Great to see a positive change in attitude. Its a new lease of life at least

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Not a hope given our weekends so far you’d imagine. Lucky to get 70k done

Are any of the mass vaccination centres operational yet and what date do they intend to be?

The govt have been absolutely disgraceful on this, trying to spin and bullshit their way out of their own failings.

But ultimately the opposition have been awful on the past couple of weeks, the vaccination programme has to be the main focus for politics now - not new variants and travel restrictions (which are important) but getting as many people immunised as quick as possible. The govt are failing this badly and both the opposition and media are not holding them to account enough on it.

Why isn’t there more transparency on what’s received and what’s administered. This data should be live and delivered on daily basis. The public should be informed of the delivery schedules in advance and informed when they are missed by suppliers.

The HSE and govt have to be held to account but they seem intent of spinning their way out of this.


SF should make someone more capable their health spokesman during this

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The opposition need to employ @Copper_pipe as the Vaccine Data analyst.


This should be absolute bread and utter for all the opposition.

Egghead should be getting crucified on it and all the opposition should be making use of every media platform to call the govt out over it.

Yet it’s been timid across the board and the media and journalists refuse to ask probing questions and do investigative journalism which tackles the spin and bullshit being offered up.

The government - and practically all of the opposition - have created such a narrative that to suggest any type of reasonable re-opening of businesses and society equates to wanting to kill off the elderly and vulnerable.


The bottom line is that the government simply haven’t a clue what to do and, in an attempt to avoid being held accountable, have handed the reins to an institution who have historically failed at every major project they’ve undertaken.

What has saved the government is (a) the opposition equally have no idea how to deal with this and (b) the opposition are actually terrified of having to govern through this should it come to pass.

Varadkar and FG are legacy building for when the office of Taoiseach rotates back to him as they want to be seen as the party who eventually returns things to normal. He knew Martin was so desperate to become Taoiseach that he was prepared to accept a moron as Health minister, dump the housing portfolio and retain finance, enterprise and foreign affairs.

They will keep this going into 2022, mark my words.



Is this the Belgian site you refer to that provides info on their vaccine rollout.

Population of Belgium is 11.46m so rough 2.33 times that of Ireland as you said.

They have 1.5m vaccines delivered as at 3rd March so the equivalent figure for Ireland would be 645k vaccines.

They just passed 500k on Saturday (6th March) so presumably have 150k in storage somewhere.

The first AZ vaccines came on board about 3 weeks ago. There is a 10-12 week gap between 1st to 2nd doses so as far as I can see there is absolutely zero reason to start stockpiling the AZ vaccines for the second dose until early April. So if they are doing it now then it’s a crazy choice to make.

27% of the Belgian vaccines received have been AZ.
67% of the Belgian vaccines received have been Pfizer.
6% of the Belgian vaccines received have been Moderna.

So to use the Belgian figures crudely.

Ireland should have 174k AZ vaccines, as of Thursday they have administered 83k (about 47%)
Ireland should have 433k Pfizer vaccines, as of Thursday they have administered 397k (about 92%)
Ireland should have 38k Moderna vaccines, as of Thursday they have administered 13k (about 34%)

What is the hold up with the AZ and Moderna vaccines being administered?