Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’ve highlighted one word. Some were oblivious to it so I’ll cut them some slack but there are a few here who cheerled this kind of fuck acting before the pandemic outbreak. They don’t like it now.

But sure they have ye all locked down indefinitely so who cares anyway?

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Targets being lowered so they wont be missed by as much next week

The folks got vaccinated today

I’ll give it an hour or two to work and drop the kids off for the night at 7



The numbers on that table don’t even add up. Look at the January total :joy:

Covid-19: Government likely to miss target of issuing 1.25m vaccines by end of March

Ireland joins group of EU states pushing for improved sharing of unused vaccines

The Taoiseach, Micheál Martin, has admitted meeting the target of issuing 1.25 million Covid-19 vaccine doses by the end of March is proving “very challenging” as the Government considers a push for an improved system of sharing unused vaccines in the EU.

According to sources with knowledge of the situation, Ireland will be part of a group of member states likely to write to the European Commission next week, arguing for a formalised redistribution mechanism to kick in when a surplus of vaccines accumulates in a member state.

Alongside Ireland, Denmark, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia are likely to be signatories to the letter, to be signed by Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly, sources said. The countries will likely argue that such an approach would foster solidarity, and would be especially relevant where there is a risk of vaccines going out of date.

Despite the push for a formalised system to redistribute spare vaccines, Government figures dismissed the suggestion that there may be any immediate dividend for the State’s supplies.

Senior sources said that contact had been made with many countries and companies already, to no avail so far. Meanwhile, speaking in Galway, Mr Martin said that Germany had “made it very clear to us that they’ll be using all [their] vaccines”.

‘Vaccine bazaars’

“We made those queries and they’re very clear,” he said. Efforts to secure extra vaccines through so-called “vaccine bazaars”, where European countries offer up spare doses, have had limited success. The Department of Health confirmed Ireland requested two million doses through this channel, but received only 138,000. Such channels are now little used as most countries are taking their full allocations.

A Government spokesman said that delivery dates from AstraZeneca have moved three times since Mr Martin set the target, and 23 times in total.

There is significant and ongoing concern in Government over the reliability of deliveries from AstraZeneca. Delivery figures for February were less than half of that anticipated in the Government’s plan for managing the pandemic.

The plan forecast some 190,675 doses by the end of February, but latest figures show just 86,400 were actually delivered, 104,275 fewer doses than planned.

Ireland has so far administered 8.8 doses per 100 people, placing us mid-table in the EU.

It is expected that the State will have shortly administered half a million doses, but figures distributed to Ministers suggest that only about 84,000 doses will be given in the week beginning March 8th. This suggests a rapid acceleration of supply and administration would be needed in order to hit the end-of-March target, with just over half the 1.25 million figure only likely to be reached by mid-March.


There is ongoing pressure on the Government to ramp up vaccination, from the Opposition and from its own backbenchers. Kildare North TD James Lawless sent a memo to the Taoiseach on Friday, calling on him to negotiate any spare doses with the UK, as well as to get Johnson & Johnson’s vaccine in place ahead of European Medicines Agency approval. He also said consideration should be given to “going beyond the [EU] bloc procurement” and also examining whether Russia can supply doses of its Sputnik V vaccine “in a useful timescale”.

He said it was imperative to “provide light at the end of the tunnel” to maintain public confidence and buy-in for ongoing restrictions.

David Cullinane, the Sinn Féin health spokesman, said that “it is important that targets set are targets met”, and called on Mr Donnelly to be “more hands-on, proactive and stand up for Irish interests”.

A spokesman for Mr Donnelly said “the reality with AstraZeneca is that supplies haven’t come in as expected and this is proving to be challenging. At this point we can’t say what the out-turn will be for the month, but everything we receive, we will administer.”

This government and nphet are bullshit artists. One thing that’s bugging me is the missed targets excuse of not receiving a shipment. All MNC work off an 18 month rough cut capacity prediction RCCP, and narrow it down and change product plans to suit demand a month out. The manufacturers know what they will make within a margin of 5% to meet customer demand.

The missed targets are way outside of that. My question is are the government giving higher targets, then missing them and use supply as an excuse? Something is rotten here.


Practical suggestions from James Lawless. Cullinane reciting something he once saw on LinkedIn. :joy:

Monday 5942
Tuesday 12878
Wednesday 13354

Total 32174

Miserable effort.


Yeah. It’s definitely Sinn Fein’s fault.


They won’t even hit their lowered target at that rate of going

HSE will end up posting the vaccines out to people asking them to do it themselves

That’s embarrassing and they’ll need mammoth efforts on the Thurs and Fri if they are to get close to their revised target.

This is a massive issue …lying bastards…nothing else in their playbook to fix things just think they’ll fool us with language …

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I don’t think anyone is saying its Sinn Fein’s fault but Lawless’ comments are a lot more helpful than Cullinane’s there.

I think I’ve been mentally scarred by going to too many GAA meetings over the years but I hate those kind of vague, intangible comments about how we have to meet targets, we have to work harder but no practical solutions or suggestions.

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Have we another transition week lads?

We’re doing transition year


We’re truly in the anti-fact era. Like, I remember shrugging and laughing when Trump said the crowds at his inauguration ceremony in 2017 were the biggest ever when they patently weren’t. Same with some of the shite the likes of Boris Johnson comes out with or even clowns in the DUP about Brexit and stuff. But Varadkar has a Twitter video up today and he’s going on about the vaccine rollout going well. These cunts are pathetic, lying, self-serving arseholes. But this time it’s directly affecting us.


Micky Martin put up a tweet about reaching the milestone of 500,000 doses and was fucking savaged.

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