Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d say at this stage @Copper_pipe and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy have a better idea of where we are with vaccines than Egghead or Paul Reid.


cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

Not sure what the delays are but Belgium seem to be stockpiling also.

1.52million received vs 953k administered.

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At least there’s transparency with Belgium though so you can rightly have a cut off them.

Whereas the FFG approach seems to be to muddy the waters with misinformation and outright lies. The Belgian lockdown is also probably not as draconian as here right now?

In fairness to the bean gardai yesterday she was a bit embarrassed and gave a bit of an embarrassed shrug when it was put to her how crazy it was. The 2 lads last weekend in grand canal Square were a different matter though and seemed to relish it. People trying to do the right thing by meeting outside, in one case it was their first face to face conversation with someone since Christmas but they even don’t want to allow us that.

According to the figures up to the end of Thursday. 198639 people had received the first dose but are waiting on the 2nd dose.

Using the figure of 652k vaccines delivered to date. We don’t have enough of a reserve to fully vaccinate all those awaiting a 2nd dose.

Belgium has 273k of a reserve after those awaiting a 2nd dose have been accounted for.

Ireland has higher % of population vaccinated than Belgium.

But that doesn’t really make sense with the way Pfizer is so far ahead of AZ with only a 4 week turnaround needed for second doses.

Yet AZ have 10-12 week lag to build up that stock for a second dose and harldy any of it is being administered.

Either way the govt and HSE are trying to hide this information from the public. They are not forthcoming with clarity of the delivery schedules and what they have in stock. They are trying to manage the messaging rather than being transparent.

The AZ is the big question mark.

Why can’t the government provide clear answers of what the delivery schedule is, is it being met and how much we have currently. Any part time SME manufacturing option has stock management systems that can deliver this to you in real time so it’s gross incompetence if it’s not in play - it simply has to be. So if it’s in play it should be published in a timely manner.

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Monday 5944
Tuesday 12884
Wednesday 13359
Thursday 18849
Friday 19070

Total 70106

Is Saturday and Sunday are similar to the Monday level we could make the 80k :partying_face:


When do the mass vaccination centres become operational?

The Limerick one in Clare is working

It’s mad that the government is saying how fantastic the vaccine is yet they’re saying we’re going to be lockdown forever.

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So they are expecting 3m vaccines Apr-Jun min

c1.6m Pfizer
c300k Moderna
c630k AZ
C450K J&J

Will we hit anything near that?

The Brits did six times that yesterday, 416000.

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We are on course to hit the massively reduced target. Well done all.

Shit enough considering they’ve ten times the population.

That was one day pal.

Is J&J approved by John Bull yet and how much of it has he ordered?

Surely, he wont need much/any of it as they are flying through the AZ/Pfizer so could send us his J&J consignment?

The one in the Aviva is open anyway. Not sure on the others.

I’d imagine John Bull will be pushing on with AZ and Pfizer anyway.

The UK has 30 million doses ordered.

They applied for approval for the UK 2 weeks ago.

The EMA approval should be on Thursday for the EU countries.