Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Money needs to be redirected from Dublin elitist GAA squads to ordinary children to allow them a chance to live

That’s fairly underwhelming.

J&J were shipping 2m doses around the US the day after it was approved whereas the EU will have to wait a month after it is approved to receive their first shipment. Looks fairly clear that the EU won’t make any progress with their vaccine rollout until after July and the US and UK are nearly done with theirs.

The EU have made an absolute fuck of this and it looks like after all the dithering they actually signed really lax contracts in terms of delivery schedules.

There has been no mention of supply issues in the UK or US.

I’d imagine the US company the FF TD referred to was Pfizer. They seem to be the only company reliably delivering stock the EU, and given they such a strong association with the country it would make sense that help to sort us out. Someone mentioned they were vaccinating workers and contractors in their Cork plant.

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Ah Jesus.

Yeah it looks by all intent and purposes that the US has got first dibs on the Pfizer, Moderna and J&J vaccines and the UK on the AZ while the EU are left waiting outside with their dick in their hand.

It would be mad for the FS to turn down extra supplies when they have a small population. Think of the difference 1m-2m extra doses could do now to the rollout.

The Art of the Deal.

If Pfizer were willing to give us an extra 100k doses and wanted a €100m for them it would still make financial sense if it might end the lockdown a week earlier. I’m assuming they want nothing like that, so it only makes it all the more reason to bite arms and all off them if offered


At a €100 a dose (which would be extortion), it’d be €10m for 100k vaccines. Be an absolute bargain in terms of the money we are shelling out

If 100k vaccines took 30k off the PUP, it would not take a week for the vaccines to have paid for themselves

Be interesting to see if the bauld John can back this up. Fairly damning if true, because the government have said they will “explore all angles”

AZ are taking the piss out of us now.

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It’s a right belt into the puss of frontline workers

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According to this the US have administered 15.2m doses in the past week. The EU 7.44m, UK 2.43m.

Per population

US 4.6%
UK 3.6%
EU 1.7%

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The biggest question is will media hone in on this issue.

Unlikely as it undermines govt.

If everything is brought forward two weeks in the UK the bastards would be having pints at the end of this month

It’s an open secret that the EU have advised/threatened member countries not to source their own additional vaccines.

I’ve rowed on here before with @glasagusban about this but there is absolutely nothing preventing us going to Pfizer or Moderna or Astra Zeneca today and doing our own side deal. Nothing.

We won’t though, because we’ll be warned of getting some shit commissioner role in the next round of horse trading.

They just don’t want the fabric of the Union - and their personal gravy train - threatened. It’s a mess.


I did read in the comments under it that the US have a ban on vaccine exports

Other EU countries like Slovakia, Hungary and Denmark have already done this.

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