Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Look at Israel. They went to Pfizer and paid top dollar so they’ll be out of this before everyone else.



The EU basically tried to hedge their bets behind every vaccine manufacturer but in second place. This is going to be drip feed process until the US and UK are well on their way with their rollouts. It will probably be July before the EU sees any serious rollout upgrade.

“EU countries raised questions earlier in the year about J&J’s production network and contract with the EU, which would require it to send vaccines made at its Dutch factory to the United States for bottling before being shipped back to the EU.” :smile:

There have been a lot of own goals with the vaccine process. Real “Game Changers” alright.

What a bunch of mugs the EU are.

This is a kick in the goolies for front line workers.



I presume the Americans expect to have about 80% or more of their lot done by the end of May.

The article there states that the J&J target for May in terms of deliveries is 100m.

So a crude figure would say population of 270m adults. J&J alone should have enough to do close to 40% of the entire adult population by end of May.

From what I read Moderna will have 100m doses supplied by end of May. Thinks Pfizer is 200m. So that should cover another 150m.

So effectively it’s all wrapped up there for the US with those three vaccines by the end of May.

I find this mental.

How exactly do you think this would work?

You said astra zeneca there. It can’t meet its EU order currently. So what exactly is Ireland going to buy off it? Do you think they’re sitting on a load of vaccines refusing to deliver them? What do you think they have to sell us? Would you like some magic beans?

Do you think moderna or Pfizer are going to take an order from Ireland tomorrow and fulfil before they’ve fulfilled the order they owe to the EU?

It’s nearly the most off the wall thing I’ve ever heard. It’s an absolutely ridiculous contention.

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I reckon if we went to one of these manufacturers and paid well over the odds for a few million we’d get them handy enough. We could throw in a few Tax breaks for Pfizer and J&J into the mix too.

What we need (a few million doses) is nothing in relative terms.

Malta are sourcing more Pfizer for a higher price according @Copper_pipe

Given their size though a few K more makes a big difference

But they would have to fulfil their orders to the EU first. You don’t think they can just skip countries up the queue do you?

What we could do is approach countries who have large orders in or on hand and ask if they could share some.

Of course they could bump us up the queue if the money was good enough.

The corporate world doesn’t have a conscience.

Ursula Von Der Leyen wouldn’t even be getting a few One 4 All vouchers if it was Christmas and she had her annual review. Woman is having a shocker altogether in the role…


Seriously. We’re talking contracts for hundreds of millions, do you think there aren’t clauses in there to prevent getting gazumped?

Shur the EU’s contract isn’t worth the paper its written on.

All these companies are as corrupt as they come. I’m sure there’ll be court cases in years to come, but who cares about that, right now?

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Are we not getting gazumped now? We seem to be getting less than promised each time?

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Honestly mate, I don’t know where to go with that. I think what you’re saying is really really dumb.

Some companies like AZ are producing less than expected and struggling to fulfil orders. However, it is not possible for them to take an batch they’ve committed to sell to X and turn around and sell it to Y instead, that’s not happening.

The lads are suggesting that Ireland could outbid the EU for orders that the EU has placed and that they could have doses of vaccines contracted to go to the EU redirected to Ireland instead. The idea that that could happen is astoundingly ridiculous.