Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

It’s certainly doable. There are 240 million over 18s in the US, and say 20% won’t get vaccinated so a target of roughly 190M. 60M have had at least one dose and we are doing over 2M a day with J&J just starting, so to get to that 200M could be mid May.

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Yet it can ramp up its UK supply. Think about that.

So if J&J hit circa 50m vaccinations administered by the end of May. It would need another 300m Moderna/Pfizer vaccines to meet the 80% target and an overall 350m jabs needed.

92m of that has already being done and if we say the US are on 100m by Sunday which is looking likely at their current trajectory.

You would be looking at 250m jabs needed in 11 weeks. Around 23m jabs a week, as the US are currently hitting around 15 at present that is more than feasible. It will be done at dusted in the US by then, the UK following a month or so behind and the EU about 4/5 months behind that.

I’d be surprised if there was 80% take up in the states. That means they’ll be done fairly soon for those who want it. Early May I’d guess. This J&J one will seriously speed things up

Sputnik vaccine will be approved though you would imagine.

The number willing to get vaccinated has been steadily rising, it was 50% of adults in December and it’s almost 70% now. I’d say we will get close to the 80%.

In the US about 25% of adults have had one dose and half that fully vaccinated. Because of their strategy to get one dose into as many people as possible, the UK are at close to 50% with one dose, but a long way behind on both doses. I’d say the UK and US will have roughly the same level of immunity by mid May and in good shape.

I’d imagine the US will push ahead of the UK, they seem to have access to more suppliers and will probably have a bigger proportion of J&J 1 shot vaccines in front. The US to be more or less there by the end of May, UK end of June. EU end of Oct.

They should put Spike in charge of the vaccine roll out after his sterling work in sourcing tickets for the 2018 All Ireland Final.


When she was German defense minister she sent the army to NATO exercises with broomsticks instead of guns. Procurement isn’t her strong point.

Germans themselves didn’t want her as head of the EU.

They have the Dublin staff done too. The brother house mate was done weeks ago. An elderly 25 year old no less

We could use NI being well ahead of us as a good excuse to accelerate with Pfizer in a side deal to keep up an all island approach if Ursula gets ratty.

In fairness he has being doing an excellent job so far.

A top top administrator

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He only needs to hang in there for the 5 years to clear both mortgages.

Be grand.

Or get himself a golden handshake.

Think @farmerinthecity was defending CEO salaries for public sector workers recently.

The brains trust are over on Primetime now.

Grandparents booked in for the first dose on Thursday.