Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Good to hear. What age bracket are they in? Are we getting below 80 yet?

Yeah we are rolling out less than 80 vaccines a day.



Getting it at the GP.

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Ursula Wait In Leyen

Coalition fails in bid to source extra Covid-19 vaccines from EU and UK

No plan to seek additional medicine beyond EU framework despite mounting political pressure

The Government has sought without success to source extra vaccines from other European Union countries and from the UK but has no plans to seek extra supplies from outside the EU framework, a spokesman said last night as pressure on the Coalition mounts over the slow supply of vaccines.

The Government also sought to convince pharma companies Pfizer and Merck to manufacture vaccines in Ireland to boost supply.

It offered to assist with the cost of reconfiguring plants in Cork and Carlow to produce the medicine, but was unsuccessful.

“Ireland is trying everything it can,” said a Coalition spokesman. “There have been discussions with pharmaceutical firms, there’s been discussions with other countries . . . For instance, we were looking at the redistribution of unused vaccines within the EU. But they don’t exist because every member state needs their supplies . . . People have asked the UK. The British prime minister made it clear that they need all their supplies.”

Sources later said that the French and German governments had been approached to ascertain if they could share unused vaccines, but Irish efforts were rebuffed.

The Taoiseach also discussed the matter with British prime minister Boris Johnson, said the spokesman.

However, the Government confirmed that it would not seek any further supplies outside the EU distribution framework.

Repeated failures

Political sources admitted to anxiety in Government about the difficulties with supply under the EU’s programme. While Ireland is using available vaccines quicker than many EU countries, repeated failures to deliver by suppliers have led to targets being missed in recent weeks.

While senior Government figures admit to growing pressure on the pace of vaccination, especially when compared with Northern Ireland and the rest of the UK, there is optimism that things will improve quickly in the second quarter of the year as supplies increase.

Because of supply issues, overall vaccination targets for the end of March will fall from 1.2 million to about 1.1 million, said Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly.

The daily rate of hospitalisations and new cases of the virus continue to decline. Yesterday there were 311 new cases, the lowest daily number since December 14th, along with 30 further deaths notified.

Meanwhile, in a robust statement Catholic bishops asked that public worship be allowed restart once Level 5 restrictions are eased which Taoiseach Micheál Martin said “surprised” him.

“For people of faith not to be free to worship until regulations return to Level 2, whilst many other restrictions are eased, is seen as particularly distressing and unjust,” said the bishops.

“Sources later said that the French and German governments had been approached to ascertain if they could share unused vaccines, but Irish efforts were rebuffed.”

Pierre and Fritz would prefer to see excess vaccines go to waste than help the Micks.

Mick should break rank with Europe and go to Russia the US and China. Will give us a better standing if they know we won’t always tow the party line

Who’s going to assess Russian and Chinese vaccines for safety? NPHET?

How exactly do you reason that? That’s actually the exact opposite not reality.

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What sanctions do Slovakia and Hungary face for going outside the EU?

117k doses of Pfizer delivered to Belgium yesterday. So based on that Ireland should have got about 50k.

The should Open the pubs and the bookies for the week of Cheltenham.

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We’re 4 months on from Clinical Trial III results. Is this for real?

The anti-vaxxer wants to ship in unapproved vaccines from Russia and China, this is too good :rofl: :joy: :joy:

So rather than answer my question you decide to engage in pedalling lies and misinformation about my stance.

Telling. I’ll try again.

We are lucky to have him. He’s doing the work of two men. Laurel and Hardy.


Are the next two weeks crucial?

Joe Public getting more and more fed up with the Gubberment.

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This is just the type of nonsense govt are engaging in.

An additional 46,500 to what at the minute is a very vague and unverified figure.

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Mr Orban has been ploughing his own furrow now for near on a decade and the suits in Brussels have done fuck all

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