Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You can see why the public service is useless when guys like Glas resist any productive changes and don’t want to take ownership of their responsibilities.

I know, and you’re right there. But reporting is not the most important thing, there is only one measure of the most important thing and we are doing well at it so far.

I’m getting really irked by the 99% stat. He’s talking about the over 85s. There’s only 536 in that cohort FFS.

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I believe that they should be more transparent with the public. A lack of transparency suggests something to hide. The powers that be have been quick enough to pick the population up on their shortcomings during the pandemic. Accountability works both ways.

Their fall back position seems to be “yerra fuckit if we don’t vaccinate we’ll just lockdown for longer, the people are compliant”.


The EU have made a lot of mistakes on this. I think the biggest was not investing more money in a bigger spread of vaccines sooner, and ordering way more to have to share with other countries. But remember, the EU was limited by some states penny pinching on the budgets for quite a time.

The approach they did take made sense at the time, they picked the 6 most promising ones and split resources between them and ordered those. AZ being so far ahead of the other ones and it’s subsequent production problems and then differing interpretation of its contractual duties have all combined to make the EU look very bad.

Monday - 7867
Tuesday - 15845

Total 23712

I agree that lots about this is imperfect, all I’m saying is that the criticism is over the top. It should at least be realistic. We are actually doing well on vaccination.

That’s unreasonable. It’s a fair criticism. But some of the criticism is extremely heightened and it’s unwarranted.

Objectively our vaccination plan is going well and people should understand that.

None of it is heightened and unwarranted.

The vaccination plan has been shambolic.

No it hasn’t. We are near the top of the EU for success so far. That is objectively a good performance.

Define near the top?

Some of Monday’s being added in there to the total.

The HSE reports will show which day the vaccines were administered.

The Geo hive figure just checks for the difference between a days figures.

The total on Geo hive is 553,161.

The total is the exact same on the HSE report.

Look it up for yourself and stop asking me to spoon-feed you information.

You said it you little bitch.

If you can’t back it up then run off as you usually do.

More childish and unreasonable name-calling just because you are too thick to inform yourself.

It’s all you deserve.

You have polluted this thread with lies and misinformation and consistently tried to misrepresent the views of others. Any time you have been asked to substantiate something you have said you have toddled off. You are insincere and a contemptable coward.

More childish name-calling. No facts, no evidence, only hysterical jibberish from a loony anti-vaxxer.

I have given facts.

I have sought facts from you but all I get are my views misrepresented by some entitled public service arsehole.

We’ll try again and hope you stop behaving like a 4 year old.

Define near the top of the EU.