Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Would you ever calm down you’re having a conniption.

I’m perfectly calm.

Don’t mistake my honesty with having a conniption.

Considering this is the biggest health emergency in world history should we not be looking to go above and beyond to get out of this rather than spoofing and lowering targets? Again saying we are the same or compatible to other countries isn’t an acceptable answer. People only care about their own sphere of influences, we clearly are making a balls of it here and can do better. Our ‘leaders’ are happy to accept this and say its not our fault without exploring every other avenue. As Gman said why are we accepting the narrative of we are doing well compared to x country instead of trying to be the best.

That post is complete nonsense.

We are getting the same supply as the rest of the EU. We are vaccinating people with that supply faster than most other EU countries.

What more do you want?


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Whats nonsense? Because you can’t address the fact that we have a public service culture of doing a half arsed job 9-5 Monday to Friday and be guaranteed a job? Its not acceptable and there is no drive to do better just aj sure its grand it’ll work out eventually. As highlighted several times other European countries are getting their own deals in place on top of the EU supply. We will be the last with our hat in our hand. Money isn’t an issue here, supply is sketchy to say the least but if your willing to pay you’ll find the extra supply

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Do the US have any intention of approving AZ or using those vaccines?

What other EU countries?

You have been told this multiple times already.

Hungary are using the Russian vaccination. Croatia and Slovakia are in talks according to the article below. Denmark and Austria have a deal with Israel to buy some of their stock of vaccines. All small countries similar to Ireland

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I don’t believe that’s true. They are working with Israel to prepare booster vaccines afaik

Another 1 Million on the way. I can tell Vladimir to stop calling me once my next payment comes through

Why did he pull that tweet I wonder.

Did Ursula get the Gestapo after him or did Biden unleash the CIA?

Is Novavax not the British backed one?

Helmut and Jean-Pierre will have to get to the back of the queue again.

It’s hard not to think that AZ are taking the piss out of them at this stage and the UK and US are sniggering in the background.

It’s fair enough if a company has production problems - shit happens - but to seem to effectively prioritise some customers while leaving others (i.e. EU) swinging doesn’t seem to count as “best efforts”. Whatever about doses not being able to leave the UK or US - the fact that 8 million doses of AZ vaccine left the EU to accelerate efforts in the UK despite them likely knowing their supply difficulties really is quite something.

That’s fair enough - companies and countries will act in their selfish interest. For the EU to leave themselves virtually powerless and unable to apply proper pressure though is embarrassing/borderline humiliating, particularly if it wants to be taken seriously as a power bloc.


I think the frustration is compounded by the hyper-conservative approach taken by NPHET/gov to lockdown 3 and the fairly hollow “we know it’s tough but its only 6 more months” type messaging.

When people see any slippage in vaccine performance to go along with the “better wait longer - sure what harm” approach to lockdowns it tends to confirm the impression that the powers that be are happy enough with the status quo of level 5 and aren’t applying every facet of the state’s capability to change the situation.


Denmark and Austria have done nothing that will get vaccines to them earlier, their deal has to do with down the end of the year. We can do that but it down speed anything up.

Russia has very minimal amounts of vaccine to share, Hungary has gotten a little and the Chinese one.

Do you honestly think that the Irish people would be happy if the government decided “Hungary says it’s safe so we are going to use the Chinese vaccine line up for your injections there lads”. What do you think would be the result of that? Fucking Hungary of all countries! Would you genuinely be happy to fuck safety standards out the window and start lashing vaccines into people before they are approved in Europe?

Everything you’re saying is wrong.

Their safety standards are the exact same as our and the rest of the common market. The approval process and requirements are the same. Subtle differences like labelling language or the irish requirement for packaging to have brial are the only difference

Because you disagree with someone doesn’t make them wrong

No evidence of Sputnik causing you to blood clot yet but the EU had no problem approving that one.

If rumours are to be believed the Russians stole IP from jnj in developing the vaccine so it is very similar