Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That’s just more Russophobia innuendo

Sputnik was the first approved vaccine I believe, it has been administered well before J&J - most likely the other way around.

I would say the other way around, Russia and China have form vs the biggest healthcare company in the world

Interesting chart from the Financial Times back in September.

The UK gambled heavily on the vaccines as being the way out. The EU dragged their feet.

Do you honestly believe that? Seriously? No other European country has done it but you would be happy if Ireland approved and started using the Chinese vaccine without looking into it at all but solely on the basis that hungary has approved it?

You seem to be happy for them to approve a vaccine that has been associated with blood clotting and deaths.

It seems your racism is the issue at hand here.

Remarkable chart given the massive population of the EU (almost 450M) that they left themselves so short.

You can see that the US went in heavy on Pfizer and Moderna while the UK went in hard on AZ. The EU just hedged their bets, they come across as very incompetent and naive.

The Hungarians are lovely people

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How are the cunts at manufacturing? The usefulness of their vaccine is besides the point at this stage

The full story of how the UK were so dependent upon AZ yet seemed to have no serious supply shortages vs the issues with the EU hasn’t properly emerged I think.

No idea, they have no targets listed either

Think the Brits have it sown up anyway

Wasn’t there 9m shipped from the EU to the UK in February alone?

Sweden’s updated delivery forecast.

Ireland has about half the population of Sweden so for Ireland the figures would be about half.

8m I think which provided something like 75% of their used vaccines in the month

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cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

This should drive it on a bit now.

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Great stuff from Boris above in Fermanagh today.

Sleeves rolled up, elbowing lads left, right and centre, ready for work.

You’d go through a wall for that man.

We were all laughing at them months ago

Who would?

You’d expect they should be hitting about 1m vaccine doses administered by month end on those figures so.