Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

A pause/temporary deferral is grand at this time of the week, as they don’t really recommence vaccinations until Tuesday mid morning. Hopefully the necessary assurances can be received by then.


Our lads wouldn’t have even opened the pallets by the end of the week so it makes no odds assuming they get the green light.

Specialist on the radio there reckoned there was nothing to be concerned about until what appears to be a cluster of 4 blood clot events in Norway recently.

Initially thought it was a bad batch but it seems they used different batches.

The 4 cases were all young people too I think.

No coincidence this happens the week of Cheltenham.

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I stand corrected.

Thought the UK would have administered much more of the AZ vaccine than that.

All under 65

Fucking Cheltenham

Up to Friday 23.6 million in the UK had received the first dose.

And the EU shipped 8/9m of the AZ vaccines to the UK I think? Seems to be some shambles from them.

That fairly fucks everything

We aren’t relying on AZ vaccines for elderly, they’ve declared they will run short on their supply to Ireland anyway, but yet this will dominate news that maybe one in over half an million people might get blood clotting and an ever smaller percentage might die, but not yet proven. Yet the vaccine will save significantly more people from the illness it is to vaccinate from.


The Scandinavians have shit the bed here and now our lot have been panicked into following suit. Thank you for the hysteria Agnetha, Bjorn, Benny and Anni-Frid.

Summer’s gone.


I know a lad who was turned away from getting his vaccine this morning in limerick at 9:30

What other basket do we have

Ffs sake

Will it?

They’re not giving it to over 65s.

When did this Cunt come back