Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

We’ll still be hitting big numbers with other vaccines by summer. Be grand.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, Bird and others. These reports about blood clots from AZ began appearing with more regularity last Wednesday or Thursday. Around the same time as that, we announced that we were reversing our decision not to use AZ for over 70s (am I right here?). So we didn’t use it when there wasn’t an issue and decided to start using it for that older COHORT then when alleged problems began to emerge. We kinda had that backwards.

Then another 3/4 days passed before they acted on these blood clot reports and withdrew AZ from use this morning. Chairperson of NIAC Karina Butler said earlier they’ll know more by the end of this week coming.

Like, the lack of urgency is staggering. If you worked in some shitty job, in a perceived urgent situation, you’d tell someone or be told to find out all you can and report back today and make a next day decision. They’re arsing around for days on end here before stumbling into a decision. It’s been the same throughout the pandemic really.

If the government policy is lockdown/“live” with the virus until the vaccine rollout is done then this is very bad news today.

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Anthony lashing out in all directions again.

The Zero Covid crew have the wind in their sails again now

183 people under the age of 65 have died in Ireland from Covid.

There are roughly 4.2 million people under the age of 65 in Ireland. So not even allowing for actually getting Covid, that stacks up as 0.004% or 1 in 23,000 in Ireland who have died from Covid under the age of 65. The stats on the AZ vaccine are they are investigating 30 cases, not 30 deaths, occurring in 1 per half a million vaccines, and that also includes all age ranges, not just the under 65s.

So clearly, the vaccine is helping more than not helping.


We need to pursue a ‘Zero Covid’ strategy.

Give Professors Ryan, Kileen and Mcconkey a shot at it. Everyone else has made a complete balls of it.

Mad the way New Zealand are still vaccinating

It’s the weekend mate. Give them a chance

You can forget about horse racing until the virus is eliminated

The vaccine is safe lads. Get your jab whenever it comes

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Full steam ahead for John Bull

@glasagusban the cardinal saint of vaccines and guitar solos also believes we should break rank.

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Pfizer to the rescue.

The European Union will be able to stick to its vaccination targets this quarter despite AstraZeneca delivery delays as Pfizer is producing faster than planned, EU industry commissioner Thierry Breton said on Saturday.

AstraZeneca said on Friday it would try to deliver 30 million doses to the EU by the end of March, down from a contractual obligation of 90 million and a previous pledge made last month to deliver 40 million doses.

Breton told France’s Europe 1 radio that the delay was unacceptable, but that for now there were no plans to sue the company.

“The good news is that even though there are delays with AstraZeneca we won’t be late with our vaccination programme in the first quarter,” Breton said.

“Pfizer is producing more, much more than planned and is going to deliver more to us,” he added.

EU leaders have come under criticism for a slower rollout of vaccinations than in other countries such as Britain or the United States due to a longer approval and purchasing process and repeated delivery delays.

AstraZeneca’s new lower supply target hinges on the bloc’s drug regulator approving supplies from a factory in the Netherlands, an internal document showed, Reuters reported on Saturday.

Breton said that AstraZeneca had issues with testing, which were a sign of logistics problems, and urged its board of directors to take action.

He also criticized its French-born chief executive Pascal Soriot for remaining in Australia despite the problems, which he said meant he was able to visit the companies’ plants when Soriot could not.

“I won’t say that I know their factories better than them, but I’m on site,” Breton said.

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Pfizer! Pfizer! Pfizer!

Pfizer rising to the occasion :clap:

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The Village need to stick to trying to take down Leo.

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Luke is mad to OIUTF. Must have got a slot at Electric Picnic.



I would have considered Pfizer your typical horrible multinational pharmaceutical company pre Covid but by Jesus have they stepped up to the plate in all of this.