Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Malcolm clears up the Irish numbers here. 80k will have first vaccination by end of this week.

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Could any of the clever lads set up one of those polls to gauge vaccine uptake on the forum?

I created it in a new topic


Incorrect. 40k will have 1st vaccination by the end of this week.

You’re a proper gent, I’ve always said so

Apologies, I read delivered as actually injected. You’re right.

Does answering yes effect your OIUTF status?

Keeping 40k vaccinations in the fridge as kind of back up vaccinations.

What genius is overseeing this.

you are correct and again it how its presented - its like the “case” numbers that the masses buy, here he is rolling out a large 6 figure number but he isnt quantifying it
the correct way that should be presented is that by 28 feb x% of “vunderble” people willl be vaccinated rising to x+y% by end of may.
its the same way case numbers or virus impact should be reported, 6000 new cases of which 20% are in a vunerable category.

there was a few questions about the israeli approach and i covered a few last night but on a few points

  1. israel had approved pfizer 4 weeks before EU which gave them a head start but the speed of rollout is due to the efficiency of the health system
  2. israel was founded as a very socialist state but now it is a very capitalist country that uses a socialsist type network to run its health, in every housing estate, village. kibbutz, settlement, arab village you have a mediacal center called a Kopat holim, it is a free universal healthcare for all to a very high standard.
  3. each kopat holim has the name of every person registered to it- these kopat holim or primary care centers own vaccine rollout - age >65 was prioritised and the vaccines are been rolled out 24/7 ( shabbat also as in places like jersualem most doctors would be arabs so they cover weekends)
  4. Now… “hasbara” which is a form of PR the israeli governemnt love is in ful overdrive here with various twitter bots loading out the good news, but it will balance out - the country is riddled with c-19, a miliatry enforced third lockdown ( real deal shit) is on the way and Bibi faces a 4th election in a year- you can be sure as hell they will exploit this
  5. religous people , haredim 25% of the population many who dont recognise the state refuse to believe c-19 is an issue - these fellas probably wont get the vaccine… the rural arab population also is probably sceptical… its these people who will provide the collateral and dead bodies

on the Palestinians so gaza and west bank ( remember x2 enities at virtual war with each other- israel aside) . the PA health in the west bank would be in sync with the israeli health ministry but as far as i know on things like this they wouldnt be aligned
hamas run gaza not the PA so thats off limits to anything from israel or any cooperaton…id imagine qatar will look after that


its just you need to be careful with israeli PR
remember in march , coveny was on about how the closed Ben gurion- and they did - but jesus when they opened the place up in may cases went off the scale, and by opening i mean just left everyome at it - they went very quiet then.
its a bit of column a and and a bit of column b as @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy would say when asked about russia. the religous population will break the place eventually, the plan is vaccinate old people ASAP and leave the handbreak off then… all of herselfs family have had covid in some form- the younger cohorts now and the reason why the need the military to lock the place down is because they all flood the grandparents house every friday night and in general they dont seem to give a shit so thats where the army come in.
once the old population is vaccinated - netanyahu will call covid off id say - young population wont take the vaccine anyway… he badly needs this sorted by april… loose this election, he’s back in court and going down

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What’s the political alternative to Netanyahu? Some style of zionist lite party?

All the garlic I’d say.

The Immunisation Lady said we are no longer holding back 2nd doses of the vaccine as they are more confident of supply, they are keeping a buffer as contingency but we are operating pretty close to a “just in time” model (as soon as it comes in it will be used).


That was a handy interview for her. I can’t believe I stayed up for that. FML.

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McWilliams podcast was great tbf

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i didnt hear it - can you send me a link?
he’s actually reasonable at times and worth a listen

Hes guest covered every point you made i assumed you did a buff on it

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It’s all been cagey but reading between the lines the Germans going ape at the EU has sped up the setting up of the new Pfizer production facility. If it can be churning out more viles in February then we all should be more confident to use most of the doses we have right now, particularly with Moderna and AZ on the way.

no 100% i didnt …i have no reason tbf to listen to an Irish person talk about israel… if he stated what i said above then he is correct… the kopat holim structure is incredible. its only now i realise what a cluster fk we have here
when you compare say for example getting sick or things like the birth of child for example… its night and day

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He has a guest on from isreal explaining their approach to the vaccine, even asks how they will handle the Palestinians. Every informative