Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

probably my mrs was it?
she gave matt cooper enough of it one day
ive prob said way too much there

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Shur ask her there.


we dont talk ( see marriage difficulties thread)


Ye in the same house during lockdown?

im in the shed

Ouch. Wrap up well.

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Great to see.

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Horse racing. The cause and the solution.


do it properly or dont do it at , etc…

A lady on the TV just said there that GPs rolled out 1.3m doses of the flu vaccine in 8 weeks.

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Do we have any Irish figures yet?

HSE have just said that 15,314 people have received their first dose.

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15k a day sounds about right.

No, that’s in total

What? Go way ta fuck… That has to be a daily figure.

I thought we were to have 35,000 done by the end of the week.

Leo has said our slow start means we have “certainty of supply in the medium term”
:smiley: :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:


Where do we go if this South African variant is resistant to the vaccine ? Do we start again? Or what?

Still the plan it seems.