Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

In the name of profits. They are obviously very efficient but still your typical horrible multinational pharmaceutical company.

They are the top dogs in the industry

There’ll be a market for Pfizer baseball caps if they keep this up

Luke is having a great time atm. He stitched John Creedon up beautifully on his new show last week. A chuffed looking John was swilling copious amounts of holywell water whilst Luke was outlining all the great minerals has lab had detected in the sample. A giddy Luke declined a generous offer from John of said water on the basis the lab also detected human excrement in the sample.


Not hard to do, Creedon is a simpleton

Crossmaglen for pints

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I don’t think that would be “breaking rank” as it would be sourcing vaccines already approved by the EU, which is very different to going to unlicensed ones. It would also be a gift of vaccines from the US from it’s supply, which is a different thing to approaching companies.

That’s what I’m saying all along. Source our own vaccines out of the EU system. Again I’m not saying use unlicensed vaccines bit we liecence them ourselves, again its much easier that other EU countries have already awarded liecences for the use of sputnik and the Chinese vaccines.

I’m not suggesting that we get a gift off the states, we should buy them for whatever price they have for them. 2 days supply for the US will cover us. I suspect that some of the MNC in ireland will buy vaccines on the private market for their staff as the Irish system so far is too slow.

Does anyone know if the Pfizer staff number is included in the total figure for the country or is that just what the HSE have administered? Surely that is at least another 3-4k people fully vaccinated here in ireland.

How long will this review likely take anyway?

Couple of weeks? If supply is the issue with AZ it will hardly have much of an impact on the rollout overall as it was only doing 15-30k a week anyway. 2 weeks should have them back on schedule.

Imagine missing this target

Talking of Ireland licensing vaccines on its own is just silly. Explain how you think that would work?

I also don’t think you understand that vaccines are not available for purchase from companies.

Ireland needs to purchase move vaccines. We need to weaponise and mobilise a few lads from the cattle mart beyont in Ballinasloe. Them fellas know all about making a deal. Its the only way.

Those selfish pricks getting blood clots and fucking it up for the rest of us

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Did they even have the decency to die from them?

Will they ban flying now as it causes blood clots?

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I think any form of bad health should be banned

I’d like to see a public health campaign targeting obesity when this is all over. Obesity is a leading cause of sickness.

And sickness is a leading cause of death

If you’ve a shed, stock up on booze, smokes, sugary drinks and fatty foods. The junta will be coming for them next