Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’d suspect that. The big thing from when the US and UK get done is that the EU are then the priority customer for the vaccine. I think from the July/Aug/Sep timeline the EU will be awash with vaccines so it then becomes a case of how good individual countries are at getting them out.

I haven’t been following this closely but I’d say it’s not the type of thing you rock up and ask over zoom. If they’re not asking the question it’s because they already know the answer.

You were one of those telling us how important this meeting was and the special relatioanship that exists. Now you’re defending the The Bung Taker in not even making enquiries about potential spare vaccines.

You think he didn’t make enquiries?


And if we did I think they would be “you know I have to ask”. Martin is a very feeble and weak leader who is only interested in self-preservation. I would say that he is the most inept leader the state has ever had. Enda Kenny came across as a complete simpleton in his time in office but Martin is outdoing him now.


I don’t think Martin has been a good Taoiseach but I don’t agree with your assessment on asking the US for vaccines.

How would you feel if Ireland decided to donate 10% of its vaccines to poor country tomorrow? How about if we decided to donate 5% of our vaccines to New Zealand tomorrow because they have very few of them?

If Ireland had a 300k doses of a vaccine with a limited shelf life, where the manufacturer had not sought approval yet and if the vaccine rollout was progressing nicely then I would not have a huge concern with giving them say 50k of those doses to say a country with close ties.

As it is the US have 30m AZ vaccines.
That vaccine has not been approved there.
AZ have not even submitted for approval yet.
The US rollout is going brilliantly. They hit 16m vaccines administered last week.
They have priority supplies from the likes of Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.

If the relationship between Ireland and the US is as special as the govt tell us then why would they not be really daring in trying to make advantage of those ties?

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What’s the vac with Curecraic?

Are they making any progress in their vaccine or is the June approval target looking highly unlikely?

Ireland is a rich country with a large supply of vaccines already bought and scheduled for delivery. We are far better off than most of the world. What would be the justification for the US giving their vaccines to us rather than to a country that has none or very few? Why should they give them to us rather than keep them to introduce to their own citizens first as soon as they are approved?

Why do you think you deserve them? What makes you such a precious little snowflake?

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I think a national leader should look out for the interests of his country.

I think Martin’s leadership is failing his country.

It’s dog eat dog out there with vaccines now. Every country needs to fight its own corner, the damages of extended lockdowns are far and wide reaching and if it’s govt policy to beat this virus through vaccines then they have to do everything in their power to obtain as many as they can as soon as they can.

And if Ireland enjoys such a special relationship with the US they should be doing everything they can to take advantage of that with a vaccine rollout.

But you want the US to do the opposite?

You are directly contradicting yourself.

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I’m talking about Martin here. You might wish to deflect and bring the debate down a rabbit hole here as you are the one defending him.

At the minute the US vaccination rollout is going very well so I don’t think those AZ vaccines are going to be an issue for them.

It’s clear MM is not looking out for the interests of his state and that’s why he is such a diabolical leader.

“I want us to get more vaccines, I want other countries to give us their vaccines and I don’t want to take a vaccine.”



You’re not listening to me so I’ll clear up any confusion rather than have you misrepresent their views.

If govt policy is that vaccines are the key to get out of destructive lockdowns, then govts should be doing everything possible in their power to get their hands on as many vaccines as soon as possible. They aren’t at present.

What other countries do is their choice but Martin is clearly failing in looking out for his own state. He is putting his own vested interests and ego ahead of the good of his nation.

I think people should have their concerns and choices respected when it comes to the vaccine. I’m not a coincidence theorist, what is happening in Norway should be worrying for anyone.

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I’ve multiple friends in their 30s with them. All in southern States.

Will book to go over once a slot becomes available. Will go for J&J in a Walgreens and pay if I’m able but prepared to wait it out over there if this country decides to introduce mandatory quarantine. Unlikely given it’s just a racist move against “dodgy” countries but you never know with this variant spoofery.

My mate in NC has had both doses and is 33/34

Did he stick down obese?

Nah bookings were online he booked in but then heard they were only doing over 40s so he rang up. Come on away down they said we’ve loads of it