Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Nice. Wouldn’t have thought NC would be like that but there would be some reluctant folks down there. I know of people who have drove into places like Mississippi to get it. Some road trips to random shitholes in East Texas to get them too.

Was talking to a colleague in the States who got his at a drive in in Florida on Sunday. He’s probably 60 ish. Said they do 1500 shots a day in the one location.

Cases are still dropping rapidly in southern States which is a bit crazy given how open they’ve been.

I’ve sympathy for European governments but it’s going to become a bad look in the next month with the amount of vaccine tourism.


A lot of those states are outdoor living as standard so probably helps. Eat outside, drink outside etc

And COG, the Covid Oversight Group.

They’re 2-3 months before the AC effect comes around. Seems they’re golden.

What’s the AC effect?

Total for last week was 85769 doses administered. 8th to 14th of March

452k have got one dose. 164k have got the 2 doses.

So 617k doses administered altogether. For the week ending the 7th they had 613k doses delivered to the country.

Delivery of 145k last week but more than half of these were AZ. Nearly a third of what they have received to date will have been in the last 2 weeks alone.


What’s the story with Moderna?

The EU produced stockpile they had is running out and they have to start second doses soon.

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There’s a theory that the summer months brought a big spread in places where it was too hot to stay outdoors and the virus had not hit them significantly before. Places like Florida and Texas last July.

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Have the HSE announced how they are going to offer the vaccines yet?

I know up north there is an online system where you can book in. If the rollout is being ramped up from the start of April then it’s not all that far away conceivably until they will have to rollout some sort of system for this.

I wonder will it be yet another HSE afterthought?

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Back of an envelope?

My neighbour up here is in his 30s and got the first jab a couple of days ago, apparently he has an inhaler so was bumped up the list. The next 4-6 weeks up here will see the number of people with both jabs got jump massively, promises to be the best marching season in decades.

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Aren’t J&J already flagging that they are unlikely to deliver their promised vaccine doses?

The 600k J&J vaccines alone probably fully vaccinate 15-20% of the population if they meet their targets by June but I don’t think that’s realistic give their own recent statements.

If the US get their jabs done by May, maybe J&J might point some of the US supply to Europe?

Well how many did Mickey Martin blag off Mayo’s finest yesterday?