Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

1000 days

Hello 2023 :grinning:

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We’ll be at the mass ramp up stage by April/May id say.

The J&J vaccine is the potential game changer.

Will we be meeting for pints pre match so come July?


Will you be allowed out?

Would you roll out an 8 week course there on zen please.

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And they reckon they’ll have 40k done by the end of the week???


Will they get the 35,000 doses done this week?
I supposed they’ve started counting from Monday and they are probably Wednesday evening figures? So thats approx 5,000 per day so they should get the 35k doses done this week (but still have 45,000 doses sitting in a fridge)

They will hit something like 23k by the end of the week and will be giving themselves a big pat on the back.

Lockdown forever I suppose

The vaccine rollout plan for nursing homes began this morning. 22 nursing homes due to be vaccinated today.

Since the vaccine will make fuck all difference to the under 60s, and the average age of people dying ‘with’ covid is higher than the average life expectancy, is there a realistic chance that lads will come to their senses.

A mate of mine who is a GP and another doctor in their practice vaccinated 150 people in 2 hours back in October.

Are they not making money on the latest vaccine or something or has some ‘agency’ got a big contract?

My kids got it, in and out in 2 minutes. It was a nasal vaccine though.

GPs haven’t been included in the roll out yet.

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A good farmer would dose 150 cattle in 2 hours and they all trying to puck the head off you.