Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

That isn’t true. It was a small scale study of 30 year olds which showed some still got mild disease. It didn’t find any evidence that it didn’t stop severe disease, which ultimately should be what the vaccine is about. Indeed the authors stated they thought that given that it was made on a similar basis to J&J that it should be close to as effective in stopping severe disease amongst the oldest cohort.

The media did more for anti vax sentiment than Facebook or Twitter on that one, undermining AZ.

That’s what they say but they’ve made a balls of every target so far.

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No one cares buddy. This pandemic is a battleground between the oiutf and the lidtf factions…and then you’ve the vaccine ideological identity politics. We’ve no time or patience for nonsense like treating patients etc…

I think they are both very reasonable concerns mate. In fact going by what we’ve seen so far, they are both almost guarantees.

But there’s a fair margin for error with the vaccines, even if they fall short by a chunk, we should still have a lot of them.

This is the very tricky part of the rollout, when we get closer to the end it’ll be a case of age 42, head to the local vaccine centre this week.

It’s the supplying GPs that is the logistics problem at the moment

I’m hopeful. They do react to scrutiny so the criticism they’ve received has been justified.

I would be concerned about the staffing but logistics wise, it’s harder for them to mess up vaccines going to a select few mass vaccination sites than loads of GP surgeries.

Too busy getting GPs and pharmacists to administer vaccines at vast expense when they should be using the army who have fuck all else to do.

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Ok guys. My weekly magic number algorithm is taking effect now. Looks like mammoth week from the UK. The US has also recorded an increase in vaccine doses administered this week. Ireland and the rest of the EU are laggards.

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The army are busy observing the placing of COVID negative passengers in mandatory quarantine for 2 weeks mate

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Sure what is true? But it’s interesting to hear how the bbc can spin the variant stuff, and the constant drip feed of fear and panic.
Is there anything to be said for the original WHO, uk plans for such a pandemic?

In reality, doing 250k a week for even a month would nuke the elderly and vulnerable population.

My other concern is that NPHET still rely on cases rather than hospitalizations in all this

Most of the media are fully on board with keep borders shut now, in the U.K. and Ireland.

It’s inevitable that there is going to be panic in the autumn as respiratory season begins again and there are still cases. The issue then will be how the markets react. Governments, particularly the Irish one, are now weak and supposed to be stopping all disease in the eyes of Twitter.


It’s always next week, next month, next quarter with these bluffers.

It’s a killer, deadly global pandemic when it suits but otherwise it’s a slow, painful piecemeal approach to rolling out the vaccines.


A bit of patience will do the finest here.

The next two months are critical

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The UK had 3.8m done in 6 days by Saturday.

Around the equivalent of the 26 doing 275k in 6 days.

The mother is currently undergoing chemo all going well so far but has been asking them in the Regional the last few weeks about the vaccine and what’s happening etc they said they didn’t know the usual. Anyway she gets a call this morning at 8am asking her could she be in the Radisson for 8:40 to get the AZ jab. She’s 70 later this year. She’s happy out now as she has been completely stuck at home and only going walking late at night with the ould lad so as to avoid people. Hopefully a small sign that they are finally ramping things up.


Best of luck pal, hope everything works out for her.

Scandalous that people with a serious underlying condition like that are still only receiving their jabs now. They should have been top of the queue, irrespective of age, along with those in nursing homes and LTRC’s.

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50677 doses administered for Monday to Friday of last week.

She’ll have no real protection for at least a week or so.