Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Fuckit tim. There’s no point in protesting, writing to politicians, garrotting Luke o’Neill etc. The more people fight back the more we’ll see new variants and rise in cases amongst the 19-45 age group.

2 weeks I think

Belgium aren’t going great at the moment but they are saying that anyone who wants a vaccine should get one by July 11th barring any further setbacks.

They’ve 579k doses in fridges.

I’m delighted they have finally found something for them to do at least.

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I proposed that from the start.

Great to hear she got the vaccine, and hopefully all works out fine with the treatment too pal.

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Add one more to the log. I’ve been jabbed. :ronnyroar:



HSE are on top of their game, it’s solely down to supply


There was 30,000 AZ vaccines put on hold last week. Going by the recent numbers and availability, it surely means this weeks easy to hit target is in the region of 110,000. We have to have confidence in the HSE that they can ramp up administration once they have supplies, so they have a week now of excess supply with last weeks cancelled AZ, surely this meagre increase will easily be achieved.

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We have to remobilize the troops though mate.

forgot about that. I’m not entirely sure what we need to do to remobilize doctors or nurses to their place of work where the people are going to get their vaccine, but it probably will add on a few days of remobilizing, much like our transition week. Its ok though, there’s no rush with this.

I think (and I know I’m a very cynical fella) that this supply issue is a godsend for the HSE and that, once we have the supply to do as many as we like, they will be found badly wanting.

As you say, we’ll see if they can meet this larger target this week


I know “some lads on here” want the HSE to fail and not meet their targets, but I would really like to see them make some sort of increases or dent into getting this vaccine out. They have done nothing so far to give us any trust that they will meet their projected targets. Since day 1, every target they have projected, they have missed. They have continuously revised downwards their targets so it looks like they are meeting their own set criteria, but their overall target aims are pushing further and further out. The whole misleading stats about getting 95% of the vaccine out is also bollix, stating the figure they have in stock at the end of one week but applying that against the people who have been vaccinated the week after, pure manipulation of figures to make it look like they are getting out as much as they have.


I think they’ll be saved by the bigger supply. They’ll just lash it down to vaccine centres and fire it out.
Its this in between stage where they need to be a bit scientific about things that’s fucking them up

They need to do a little bit more


It’s a bit easier to send out 20k doses to one vaccination centre than 200 doses to 100 different GPs you’d think.

Yes. Also today we are vaccinating anyone born in July 1954. Bring your passport as proof. A lot simpler

The bit that requires competent administrators was always going to be an issue