Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

The current groups beings vaccinated are the ones that need the most planning really. Older people with reduced mobility etc.

Once you go down through the rollout plan it’ll be a case of turn up, get your jab and good luck.

Have ye gotten yourselves a pay rise out of it yet?

Mate I’m too busy jailing people who have tested negative to even consider asking for more money


84k Astrazececa doses arrived into the country in the first week of March.

That delivery alone made up around 58% of all AZ doses received to date.

Be interesting to see what the delivery update is tomorrow. Have AZ ramped up again or is it less than the previous week.

You’re doing a fabulous job.

Make sure to wash your hands after.

Monday to Saturday

57562 doses administered

My feckin’ arm feels like I’m after shouldering a bus.

The brother in law was in a heap for two days after it

Doctor asked me yesterday if I was right or left-handed. I’m right-handed, so he said he’d inject in the opposite arm. Not sure of the reason for that?

Rub it in why don’t you.

They do that with all vaccines. It’s so if your arm is sore you can still have a wank


I thought it would be obvious?
Less pain in the arm you use more often ?

He’ll be glad of it when the left arm falls off

After a stint in the Champions League places we’re back in mid table

To be honest, I don’t think you’re supported by the facts there. If you compare us us to the rest of the eu we are doing well at getting the vaccines we are supplied with shot into people quickly. We are at the top end of the table for this (unless anything has changed dramatically since the last time i looked at it, in which case you can shove this post down my throat). So the evidence says we are doing well so far with what we have been supplied with.

On revising down targets, does it not make sense to revise down when you receive a notification that you won’t have the supply to meet your target? If a target is X presumably you need to line up X number of doctors and they need to line up X number of appointments and so on. What is the point of maintaining a target of X when it can’t be fulfilled? If a center was supposed to do 1000 vaccines in a day say, but you had no vaccine, would you maintain that target and have everyone turn up to work scratching their holes all day? The government has complained that AZ is informing it of substantially reduced supply at the very last minute, resulting in situations like that GP tweeted about above.

we’ll see. The AZ argument has been a handy one for them. Now that they have a stockpile of AZ that wasnt used last week, that means it should be used this week. So I’ll reserve judgment on their capabilities if they meet a meagre increase by doing this weeks projected amount as well as the AZ ones they planned to use last week.

In terms of getting the vaccines out, and @Julio_Geordio has also been noticing it too, they tell us how many they have vaccinated at the end of one week, but tell us how much they were given the week before. So they are not counting vaccines they receive during the weekly cycle, which really I’d have thought is the best indicator of how fast they are able to ship them out.

And yet they’ll continue to trot out the “one of the best in Europe” line

There’s a lot of deliberately misleading language being used.

We’ll give them a pass on last week, that was a bit of a shit show with the AZ cancellation etc.
But they need to do at least 100k this week. There’s no excuse not to. They have the supply

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@Copper_pipe is it the end of this week we are supposed to get 250k vaccines?