Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Again, your criticism isn’t actually supported by comparison to other EU countries. Everyone is receiving the same supply proportionate to population and so it’s really easy to see how we are doing compared to others.

I’m quick enough to criticize the government but the simple fact is that we are doing comparatively well, it’s unreasonable not to recognise this.

We are doing comparatively average. Behind powerhouses of the EU like Lithuania, Estonia, Slovenia, Finland, Denmark, Hungary, Austria, Slovakia and Greece.

The bigger nations have started slower, but as a small nation we should be at least on a par with the likes of Denmark who are 2.7% ahead of us. We are one of the richest countries in the World.

The idea that we are one of the best in Europe is no longer true. No matter how many times they keep saying it.


Last day of the month I think.

By the end of Week 9 (Week beginning March 1st) 613,650 doses had been delivered into the country.

So it took about a week to use what they had got in.

Have the UK Approved J&J yet or what’s the story?

I have it in my head they have 30 million doses of J&J ordered which they’ll hardly need at all?

Surely we should be bending over backwards to get 1-2 million of these and get us out of this sorry mess once and for all

First week in April is supposed 250k jabbed isn’t it

I’ll go with 140k actual jabs given.

Maybe a more efficient vaccine strategy instead of sending doctors a 100 doses for this and that cohort would be everyone in the 4 cohorts in the doctors surgery gets done on one day.

This would mean some in 4 would be done before people in 2 or 3 etc but fuck it makes no odds really. They could prioritise places like offaly where its gone to fuck again and leave places with low cases till last.

Reducing the number of moving parts would surely make it an easier rollout

You’re making the mistake of thinking the HSE might have engaged in some forward planning on this.

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The narrative on rte is now solely about how the vaccines basically solve nothing and we’ll have to keep social distancing for years.

It’s utterly demoralising.

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The vaccines are having an incredible effect everywhere they are being rolled out

The thing about this is by the time Ireland have their rollout complete or done to say 80% the answers will be out there from Israel, Britain and the US as to whether or not they have been effective. All three countries don’t really seem to be throwing much caution about reopening society too.

Maybe I’m wrong but I’d say it’ll be an awful blow for the tourism sector if we lose out on this summer again and it seems rte and the government have already written it off which is very sad.

The saddest part is most people seem to think a summer like last year would be great.

Last summer was utterly miserable.

The summer is gone this year unfortunately. They failed with the vaccine rollout.

Denmark should be our benchmark for everything really, similar size and wealth.

There’s a bit more variation now because some countries didn’t pause issuing AZ, and others paused for longer/shorter, so it’s not a perfect snapshot.

Hungary is going to be an outlier, or should be, as it’s lashing the Chinese and russian vaccines into people.

Speaking of Denmark. Everything bar sporting events opened by mid May.

Isn’t that much easier message to sell than get back under yer beds ye fuckers or even when vaccinated we aren’t opening up


We don’t know if other countries have a cautious CMO with a cult following or a spineless leader like Champ.

There’s a live mass clinical trial going on 100 miles up the road. If that proves to be a success nothing that RTÉ says will make a blind bit of difference.


Denmark is far more wealthier than Ireland. Population and size similar alright.