Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You buy this variant crap so?

I don’t see where your optimism is coming from.

The real question is how a forklift driver on a sports messageboard like @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy was able to predict this a mile off but within the past few days Stephen Donnelly has been planning a million vaccinations in April.

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Sorry, I’ll answer my own question - the HSE need to hire 1 or 2 private sector logistics experts. Imagine the posting if Fulvio started working inside the HSE.

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UK are 3 months ahead of us. They have extended restrictions to September.

We’ll be lucky to be out by December.

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Not really.

They have to vote every 6 months on whether to keep the current powers in place. The vote today means that they’ll vote again in September.

They can still open up in June as planned all going well.

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They’ll hold off on December too.

Next March the best bet.


What’s Von Der Leyen’s story? How did she end up calling the shots in Europe?

Is/was she well regarded due to her ability or was she chucked out of Germany and given a cushy job in Brussels to do Angela’s bidding?

She has had a shocker over the vaccine issue TBF.

Sent to Brussels out of harms way.

No doubt.

A grand little country to receive vaccinations in.

I don’t think this has been challenged at all, but it’s actually 95% of “available” vaccine administered within a week. And the HSE themselves fiddle the parameters to decide what’s available or not. So, for example, when they decide to keep 50% of Moderna vaccine stocks in a fridge to protect against future delivery delays, they don’t count this as available. It’s gas really.


Not like a few paying private school to demonstrate this type of self entitlement.

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Thats a lovely little example of how ireland works in a nutshell

Only in Ireland would people complain about people being vaccinated.

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That’s Joe Duffy sorted tomorrow.

Seriously though, and it’s much over used, but that’s genuinely disgraceful. Get that chippy little cunt Paul Reid on to explain this one.

It’s 20 more people vaccinated.

There’s dozens of other more disgraceful things going on at the moment imo.

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There’s literally thousands of elderly and vulnerable people lying in hospital beds or housebound who should have got this vaccine. It might actually save their life.


Wait til lads piece together where Leo’s partner works