Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Mass media advertising by the HSE is the answer

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Will this change in vaccination strategy require a replannning week as well as another week to remobilise?

860k pw should see around 200k being hit per week from here on in.

Be a transition fortnight anyway I suspect

Likely because Ireland is no different to any other country. There’s an end in sight with the vaccine. No reputable journalist is going to don the tinfoil hat at this stage.

@balbec has just been informed that he can register for his shot on April 19th.


You can’t explain things to some lads mate

Theres no tinfoil hat I’m calling bullshit on what we are being told. From the messaging the end is not nigh as we will be dealing with this for years. The fact is nphet are getting a free reign unchallenged and this is either by their design or ineffective journalism/leadership

Teachers, the most entitled cohort of the irish workforce


We’re no different than any other country.

The INTO are actually a reasonable group. It’s when you start trying to deal with the ASTI is when you run into a few issues

Everyone can put together a reasonable argument to jump the queue. Age is the fairest without digging into the shot of im more important than that group over. We’re in this together after all

Please god, let us not get trapped in a week long media cycle on the teachers not being vaccinated as a priority group. It’s a sensible decision, RTE and the newspapers should recognize this and not indulge the unions on the decision after it’s made.


Assume teachers union will kick up a stink about this

They’re on the case already.

Those teacher unions don’t even reflect the opinions of their members ffs, I know lots of teachers very pissed off about how the INTO carried on in January and not once were the members consulted


Surely it makes more sense to vaccinate the teachers ahead of a person who’s working from home safely?


Class, another chance to bash the teachers :grinning:

Sure what’s the rush. They have only 2 and a bit months left to work.

Summer holidays trump everything.