Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I’m delighted santa came early. In fairness your unions do you no good, they can’t read a room

The INTO teachers’ union has described the change in the programme as “unacceptable”, saying that the Government must prioritise the “safety of teachers”.

It has accused the Government of treating teachers with “blatant disregard”.

They can go and shite

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Logistics of doing by DOB are more straightforward.

Teachers can get in line with the shop workers who kept going to work.


“We’re prioritising children going back to school.”

"Everyone else has to work from home.’

“Except teachers, they have to go to work in a room with 30 other people.”

“There is no reason to vaccinate teachers before all the other people who are working at home.”


The public have turned on the teachers, this two week holiday after kids being back a few weeks has turned people against

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Personally I couldn’t give a fuck, and if this speeds up the process I’m all for it.
But they’d be a shitty union to take this lying down after earlier promises, especially the SNAs who were promised it.
I know I have colleagues who will be very annoyed, they’re putting themselves at more risk than most

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What’s the matter diddums?

Teachers will be vaccinated before schools return next September. They won’t even get the over 70s done before mid May so why should a teacher in their 20s be prioritised over someone in their 50s or 60s?

You vaccine snowflake.

How about we vaccinate the SNAs and leave the teachers?

Fair compromise?

More childish insults.

I just dismantled your hysterical and very precious argument which is why you have thrown in the towel.

This teachers to blame thing is another smokescreen. The government, Nphet and the HSE leadership is where peoples ire should be directed at.

That maybe along with tracksuits snide posts.

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Is this the latest now? I thought they were scheduled to be done by mid April? Or maybe it was all to have first jab by then?

This was the revised shitty low bar target.

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I’m not going to disagree with you or get into a shit slinging match (will be mostly from my side with predictable anti teacher tripe) but as I said above everyone can put forward a good argument as to why their place in society is more important than others. Way I see it is get the 20% most likely to end up hospital vaccinated and its 80% of the problem done. Getting the older age groups and medically sceptical people vaccinated that that will drop.

If its cases they are aiming for which will be the next terrible metric, vaccinate the young. Doesn’t matter what way you look at it the other metric whether it’s deaths/hospital numbers or sheer cases the high metric will be blames.

Just first jab by then I think.

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Got the call from family friend today asking if we wanted to get the jab. Told him I wouldn’t have skipping the queue on my conscience.

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I am happy to confirm that I offer very little of value to society and am happy to wait my turn


When that time comes around you’ll be due the autumn boosters anyway pal.

They’ll be giving them out 3 for €10 in the dog track in Thurles by Autumn

Ah, hopefully the championship might get played earlier this year.

Early October All Ireland finals maybe.