Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Just to put the teachers at ease, I’ve twice boarded planes in the past few days and led people so dangerous they have to be quarantined 12 days down to immigration to process them, even handled a few of their passports and I’ve gotten no vaccine


I don’t think they can to be honest, most people I know don’t need to mix with people as freely as teachers, they should do what they can to keep schools open, pull out all the stops, if that means vaccinating school staff then it should be a priority, one teacher or SNA with COVID can potentially shut an entire school ridiculous as that sounds.

That’s a reasonable argument, I work in a MNC that employes thousands of people in ireland and contributes billions in tax. Who deserves to be a higher priority on that basis is a terrible choice that no one will be happy. Drive on with the age profile. I’ll be one of the last on the forum to get it and don’t have much of an arguement against that

:argentina: :ru:

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Chump missing a trick here.

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The teachers have all been vaccinated here.

Austria made a hames of it. Didn’t take the option to purchase their full allocation at the start, then when additional vaccines came on they threw a hissy fit at the EU council last week or the week before saying they wanted them. The rest of the countries rightly told them to get fucked.

And now they could be getting an extra 1m vaccines in Q2 from Russia.

Why can’t Chump do the same?

But they can’t go outside of the EU system. It’s not safe and there’s no supply

Because we won’t need them because we were smart and maxed out our vaccine purchase options and will have a million vaccines a month by then. Duh.

We won’t need them?

That seems like bullshit. You can’t travel out of your county until July because the vaccine rollout has been shambolic.

I think that’s more to do with the political and cowardice of the general population than the vaccine rollout

That’s correct we don’t need them. We will have a million a month. The frugal Austrians will have fuck all cause they were too tight to buy them in advance. It’s like the story of the squirrel and the grasshopper.

You were the guys telling us a week back that we’d all be flying away this summer on our holidays. Now it’s coming to light that you can’t even leave your county until July. You are very naive.

I’ll be flying this summer anyway. I expect lots of people will. I suppose we will have to wait and see whether I’m right

Such naivety.

You’ll be going nowhere.

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I can guarantee you I will be flying this summer. I’d make a bet with you on it but sadly you can’t be trusted to honour it.

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As of the 27th of March we’re on 800,753 doses.

Putin won’t even take the Sigue Sigue vaccine and lads want Mick Martin to.