Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

+1. Society places this expectation on people to advance, grow, progress, develop, learn new skills, assume greater responsibilities.

But I’ve been winding down my career since I was around 31. It’s grand to have no ambition and to do less than fuck all.

I’m grand waiting my turn too.


We are gonna do 2 mil doses in June?

He says nearly 5 million here :man_shrugging:

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He will. He just doesn’t want to it to be a piece of propaganda.

Real leadership.

They’re clearly overpromising by the summer.

That Reddit post @Biff_Egan posted a few days ago which is based on the Sweden and Denmark calendars has Ireland at 5,269,800 doses into the country by the end of June.

Our friends in Belgium don’t forecast that far out.

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They have missed most targets do far and are speculating things will ramp up. I have little faith.

I think they are under promising to give themselves some lee way see what happens in the UK and use that as justification for whatever happens

You think they will meet 80% of adults by end of June?

I think if they get the supply they’ll get them out. 250k vaccines a week is easily done in the big centres. Its the finicky shit that’s killing them at the moment 100 here 120 there etc. The logistics of vaccinating a huge number of people in whatever 40 centres is much easier than the current Gp led rollout.
I also think the Government would love to ease restrictions but they are so committed to this its hard to row back. They need cover and they’ll follow the UK a month or so behind once all goes well there

They’re hoping to get Curevac in June.

Curevac is extremely unlikely to come into play until all is said and done I’d imagine. There has been little reports and updates on it since.

123474 for last week.


This is a good article. It really shows up the hypocrisy of those who think we should have received vaccines from the US or should use the Russian vaccine or should be given vaccines by the UK. The same sense of entitlement shown by the head of the Beacon hospital.

It’s a shit article.

Who will they give the J&J to I wonder

When will they wrap the AZ ones up too?

Bit daft giving people their first dose of AZ in July when they have to wait 12 weeks for a second jab.

Any first dose given out in July should probably be J&J if they are up to 80% of adults by then.

Did you read it? It really shows up your hypocrisy. I’d say you didn’t like that mirror being held up to you, unpleasant viewing.