Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I read it.

It’s nonsensical.

Each coutnry will rightly fight their own corner. The problem is Chump does not want to upset the EU and US. He is a spineless coward of a leader, a guy who you have defended his brazen corruption quite recently.

You are a very, very hollow man.

You’re not making any sense there. You haven’t even engaged with the content of the article. It seems apparent that you don’t live in the real world.

I do.

I think leaders of countries should be doing all they can for their citizens in securing vaccines if they believe vaccines are the way out.

The corrupt politician you lionise is not doing that and the reason he is not doing that is deference to the EU and US which costs the citizens who foot his bills.

A real slap in the face to your sense of entitlement that you can’t get what you isn’t it?

It must be very difficult for you to learn that you are not a precious little snowflake.

I expect leaders to fight for their citizens and Chump is afraid to upset the EU and US.

I know I’m not a precious little snowflake, you don’t need to tell me that.

But you think other countries should give you their vaccines.

Your sense of entitlement is off the charts.

A precious little snowflake.

Not operating in the real world. Like the head of the beacon hospital.

I think it benefits the UK and Ireland for them to give Ireland 1m vaccines.

I believe the Irish leaders should be fighting as hard as they can for the quickest solution, instead their focus is not upsetting the UK.

It’s not a sense of entitlement, it’s a sense of looking out for the national interest and Chump Martin (your corrupt hero) is failing monumentally to deliver the type of leadership needed.

You’re the one not operating in the real world.

An incoherent and illogical world view.

Your sense of entitlement is spectacular.

“I want the US vaccines” “I want the UK vaccines” “now now now!” “Waa waa waa!”

And you’re the guy who defends an incompetent EU at every turn.

We’re supposedly getting seven million shots in April and about half of it is Pfizer. About 10% J&J.

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More obfuscation, whataboutery and goalpost moving. And of course, lies.

Typical of someone who can’t engage with the material put in front of him.

Excuse me but your only response to this issue has been whataboutery.


I know you’re incorrect.


cc @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy

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We’ll still be asking where this is by the fourth week in May.


There is already a system in place for the healthcare workers so you’d think its only a few changes needed…