Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

I cant say I agree with you there. I’ll take the vaccine myself and I see the logic of the negative test on arrival (ideally a rapid one), but I think a vaccine passport smacks of forcing people to get it, which I would take issue with


It doesn’t. You will be able to travel with a negative test. You are not forced to do anything.

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If that’s the case then I wouldn’t have a problem with it.

I don’t have a problem with the vaccine passport for travel but once again, what on earth were Governments doing for months and months?

Why are they only scrambling now for it? How is this going to work for countries outside of the EU? The lack of basic preparedness for so many things is crazy.

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Will they take it handy on Good Friday though?

The EU started work on this months ago.

IT vaccination system seems to be up and running



Give us a break luv



259,200 AZ received in Belgium yesterday so I would say they will form part of the April figures.

Really? Why wasn’t it agreed? I don’t believe it is yet.

You’ll note I didn’t blame the EU btw, I think they have done more than anyone to try and promote our right to travel. Governments are the problem.

Sure I told you that last night.

The lad whose tweet i posted made the dashboard for Belgium :grinning:

Pressure is now on AZ to maintain that output.

It was initially proposed and supported by southern countries. Northern countries were split, some feared a two tier system, others (Ireland) have an irrational fear of travel and so on. It became clear that it would happen anyway, countries would have their own ad hoc systems, and so it was better to do it at EU level, more countries came on board and it now has widespread support. Lots of work to be done on how it will work, be safe, GDPR, interact with third countries, etc. Most of Europe is in lockdown so no one is screaming for it immediately so there is time to get that right.

But it will be operational soon and southern countries that will be open for tourism will be using it by May, as I have been saying for a long time.

It’ll be small deliveries again for a few weeks.

I have it at

Week of 5th April - 28k

Week of 12th April - 26k

Week of 19th April - 44k

Week of 29th April - 126k



Will struggle to reach their Q2 targets at that rate.

The Clare vaccination centre with responsibility for Limerick gawdhelpuses is closed Good Friday apparently

So as of now:

Around 1.187m vaccine doses have been received.

Up until Monday past 820k vaccines doses administered.

That means supply can’t be listed as a constraint for a huge week next week. Have to be hitting close to 200k.

Who is getting the AZ ones at present?

Admin staff in the HSE?

College student FYP submission timing from AZ :clap: