Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Easter holidays, bro.

Jesus wouldn’t want the lads going mad vaccinating on Good Friday in fairness

I’m sure they will, but again, it should have been solved ML the before and other nations brought into it.

In fairness, the EU takes some flak but this is where they can regain some credibility in terms of their effectiveness of global coordination of this.

“Vaccines present our best way out of this pandemic… However, the roll-out of these vaccines is unacceptably slow” and is “prolonging the pandemic”, WHO director for Europe Hans Kluge said in a statement.

“We must speed up the process by ramping up manufacturing, reducing barriers to administering vaccines, and using every single vial we have in stock, now,” he added.

Will Ireland keep the vaccines in their rainy day fund or just get them out ASAP.

You’re assuming that we did get 41k moderna in that?

All credit to @Copper_pipe and @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy for their efforts here in keeping the rest of us up to speed



So by the start of next week it’s probably a reasonable assumption to say they will have a figure not far off 300k sitting in a fridge.

@Copper_pipe making a great effort

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy just making noise

The WHO are great people for stating the bleeding obvious.

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Patience & personal responsibility lads.

They won’t be fooled again.

@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy has completely missed the point of the remarks.

The WHO guy is saying that IP rights (barriers to manufacturing) need to be put aside to allow mass production elsewhere.

He’s further saying that stocks built up awaiting distribution to rich countries should instead be shared with poor countries immediately.

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We’ve gone from 860k doses administered, to 860k people vaccinated to 860k doses delivered.


Oh right, so he actually meant he wanted vaccines sitting in a fridge?

Silly me.

Silly you indeed.


Silly me for not realising the WHO wants doses to sit in fridges.

That’s not what he said. You’ve misunderstood the comments for a second time.

Oh right.

So he doesn’t want the vaccines sitting in a fridge but he actually does.

Make your mind up you silly goose.

One meal and two collations replaced by one meal and a vaccination.