Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

She is a mental case that is all.


A good few countries have no figure in for Moderna last week on the ECDC report. Either they got nothing (unlikely you’d think) or they’ll be added to the Week 13 figures like you said.

  • Group Population is total adult population.
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@Julio_Geordio this lad is on the case


I know of a few people who’ve been vaccinated just on the basis of them being attendees of a clinic in the hospital.

I’ve been suspecting all along they have no master list of the cohorts, they are reliant on the GP’s to use their client lists to get the older age groups and hospitals are just firing in random lists of vulnerable people.

Sign in David Higgins.


Be interesting to see who shared the HSE portal link with their friends and families

Would An Taoiseach call that repugnant and stealing vaccines

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Perhaps the real reason they are just going to go with ages from now on to keep it simple

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Update. The Government have decided that the 50+ age group who got slots for April can keep them. So 27th April for me.


Monday 11700
Tuesday 20134

Total 31834

At a stretch, including all nursing home staff etc, You couldn’t possibly be looking at more than 100k people who are actually “on the frontline” and that’s very generous definitions of on the front line. I’d say it’d be more like half that.

The HSE employ 100k people in total. Taking it for granted that the cunts are vaccinating everyone employed by the hospital regardless of whether they interact with anyone or not, that’s 100k accounted for.
Wheres the 135k coming from? Private hospitals, nursing homes etc surely the figure can’t come close to that

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If they’re distributing Moderna is it safe to assume another load have arrived!

People with a pre-existing wealth condition


Pretty much everyone who works in a hospital - from consultants, doctors and nurses to the car park staff, receptionists, porters, maintenance and cleaning staff - are getting vaccinated (or have been).

The HSE is a colossal black hole. An open cheque book. If it was a private company it wouldn’t last a week.


I wouldn’t have an issue with any of those people being vaccinated


It’s the lads and ladies WFH I’d have the issue with.

Not all of them maxed out their options to take up all vaccines.

It was always the reason. They can’t manage the thing, they’ve said as much, it’s for speed not health reasons.

Belgium has been getting 2.33 times more Moderna than Ireland up to now.

For Ireland to not get any last seems unusual.


Assuming will be a slow down Good Friday -Easter Monday? be a real pity