Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

You can forget about your Astra Zeneca vaccines

So 30 blood clots in the UK, how many vaccinated?
It must be 30 million is it? An even 0.0001%.
Close the borders.

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That’s fairly disappointing. Looks like they will struggle to hit last week’s level.

The folks got their second dose yesterday.

I was out to them in the afternoon to drop
Off hot cross buns and some flowers for my ma. She’s 84 and was flying it but slowing down now. She had the Easter Eggs ready for the kids and box of ferrero Rocher (cc @iron_mike ) for my missus.


By the Wednesday last week they had 51k done.

Thursday and Friday were big days.

When should we expect the floodgates to open on the mass vaccination centres? We must be getting close.

865k the final amount. You were close enough!

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The online portal to book a vaccine in the centres goes live (for those next in line) the 3rd week of this month so soon after that id say.

The Currency article on the vaccine rollout is worth a read. Several of the key criticism raised here are raised there

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Belgium have updated their forecast up until the end of Q2.

To translate what the above means into what we should get in Ireland I’m using the 2.13 factor for Pfizer and 2.33 for Moderna, AZ and JNJ. 2.33 is solid for AZ and Moderna but for JNJ we haven’t got any deliveries yet so its a guestimate at the minute…

An asterisk (*) means not communicated yet as per the Belgium forecast.

So 2.28 million doses of Pfizer from Monday and the end of June. This would be about 200k more than the initial forecast which was published in February,

2.58 million doses expected in with a lot of gaps to fill in yet…

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Just an observation… Throughout the earlier stages of covid I spoke to a pharmacist and a consultant working in the hospital… they both expressed an opinion that we were years away from a vaccine. There was also a general feeling from reading the papers and listening to media that we were years away from a vaccine also yet. And yet…

  1. Less than 9 months later we have 2 to 3 approved vaccines and months later we have a few more in the pipeline.

  2. All these individual vaccines look to have hit the jackpot straight up and worked.

The argument is that money and brains were fired at this like never before and that solved it in a shorter time frame than was expected. Is that it?


People will have 6 toes and their ears falling off in 5 years time as a result of these vaccines.

That’s it alright.

Other than the money and brains and cooperation, the biggest factor was they weren’t starting from scratch. Coronaviruses have been studied for decades, Oxford for example had a vaccine development project for MERS so they would have built on that. The other factor is the development in technology in recent decades that led to new types of vaccines, genomic sequencing, gene splicing, mRNA therapy. The virus itself is fairly straightforward to attack, all the vaccines target the spike protein and once that ability to bind to cells is stopped it’s game over for the virus. It has been an extraordinary accomplishment though, science at its best.


There abouts there was a lot of work in research into RNA vaccines over the last 10 years but this was the first real application that came up. It was researched for cancer treatments etc.

Both luck and brains coming together really to accelerate the technology

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80k would see over 900k be achieved this weekend. Will they surpass last week?

