Vaccine Numbers Log Thread

Think it was 820k or thereabouts by close of Sunday last?


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95k so would have over 900k.

I think 140k should be the minimal acceptable target this week.

It comes as latest figures show yesterday, Good Friday, was one of the biggest days for the vaccinations to date, with more than 27,000 doses administered on one day.

Meanwhile, the head of the Health Service Executive Paul Reid has said that a “great milestone” of one million vaccine doses administered to people in Ireland will be reached some time next week.

Mr Reid said that 900,000 to 950,000 doses will be done by the end of this weekend.

Mr Reid was speaking at The Helix in Dublin City University today, where more than 6,500 doses will be given to people aged over 70. This is a combination of first and second doses for this age group.

The remaining 175,000 doses due to be delivered in quarter one arrived into the country on Thursday, mainly comprising of the AstraZeneca vaccine.

Mr Reid reiterated that it is expected that Ireland will receive an average of one million vaccine doses per month over April, May, and June.

When asked about various reports of vaccines being delivered out of sequence on the priority list, Mr Reid said that those incidences were unfortunate but that they are minor in the context of the wider roll-out.

He said that the public should have great confidence in the roll-out overall.

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How can it not be more accurate than that? He surely knows to within a 1000 or so

900k would be 93k done in a week.

950k would be 143k done in a week.

I’m going under/over 127,000.5

Considering as of Wednesday. There were over 1.1m vaccines in the country, it’s a very underwhelming return.

RAMP UP :ronnyroar:

Another 27k on Friday has us at 110k going into the weekend.

We’re still miles off the 250k per week we should be doing :sleepy:

You need to relax

We won’t come near that until we have the mass vaccination centres running. I am by no means one to defend the HSE but it must be tricky enough to be stock a few hundred GPs. Will be far easier to stock thirty odd vaccination centres.

@Copper_pipe tells me they won’t be up and running until the third week in April which is still far too slow.

The schedule for April is 860k doses to be administered. Thursday was the 1st so that’s 27710 done of the 860k.

Paul Reid was on Newstalk there. He said Friday was highest daily number for doses administered. (Over 30k)

By the end of today, he expects around 930k doses will have been administered to date. So that would be about 124k doses for this week.

The UK now beginning to surge ahead on second doses as well as first doses.

The UK’s vaccine programme couldn’t have gone any better really.

Every move has worked and they are lifting restrictions when the population have enough of them.

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They gambled on it and it’s worked.

It will be interesting how they progress now. I think they have said that they April is pretty much going to be 2nd shot month so they should slow up on the number of people covered and I think it’s from this point on where the Americans will leave them in their shadow.

One thing that doesn’t add up to me is that the UK reckon they will be in a position to offer every adult a first dose by the end of July. They currently have over 50% of their adult population vaccinated with at least one dose.

Meanwhile Ireland say they will have 80% of their adults vaccinated by the end of June. They currently have probably 16.4% done by the end of March. So the Irish govt are telling us they expect to do around 64% of the adult population with first doses in the next 3 months with first doses (avg 20% + of adult population per month) and 54% of population with second dose (avg 18% of population per month with their second dose).

On the other hand the UK say that they hope to offer first dose to every adult by end of July (which could be around 10% of adult population per month.

Either the UK estimate is extremely conservative or the Irish estimate is completely unrealistic.

It’s not very hard to understand. The UK got a good few vaccines much earlier. The EU will get a lot more vaccines but a few months later. It doesn’t all go in a straight line. We’re blue in the face from this being repeated over and over again.

As I’ve said many times, by autumn there won’t be much difference in where the EU and UK are at.

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On what basis?

The EU are still operating at a fraction of what the UK are currently doing.

The UK are on schedule for another 3m+ week. Which at the lower point (3m) would equate to 220k per week. Ireland will likely hit 125k this week.

The UK are sitting on 50% plus first doses administered and probably double the no of second doses.

How can Ireland catch up when they are consistently losing ground on a weekly basis?

It’s very hard to understand when there is no logic behind you are arguing. I’ll say it again but there’s a massive naivety to what you think will happen to the chain of events leading up to now. The Irish and EU vaccine rollout has been shambolic up until now, targets missed and changed on a routine basis and you expect everyone to have complete faith in their promises and projections.

Do you really believe that 80% of adults will have their first dose by the end of June and 60% with their second dose?